Dear All,
What a wonderful time to be away and with Johnny. I think Johnny and I are the only American’s here. This must be the vacation spot for Europeans. With each day we are gearing down more and more. No big plans or places we feel we need to go, just taking it easy and enjoying being together.
Our room faces the ocean which is wonderful but also faces the night life of Tenerife, so we consequently have music until the early hours of the morning. It doesn’t seem to effect my sleeping as much as Johnny’s. During the day we just roam around seeing whatever sites we want to and spend a lot of time walking along the ocean and sitting out on the beach. We have just taken it easy up and until now, but plan to venture out to some of the surrounding towns and sites. Today we took our first bus ride to the next little village over. It was nice and we found a nice little restaurant with probably the best pizza I have ever had. It was called Olive Garden and not to be confused with what we know and love back home.
The trip here went fairly uneventful. I was very frustrated in Kuwait when they would only allow me to check one bag. I had planned on two. I brought a lot of stuff that I did not need that I was sending back with Johnny. Not only did they only allow one bag, the one big one I had was over the weight limit. I had to start stuffing stuff everywhere to get it down enough to qualify. Everyone around me had huge bags and were checking two. I figured they were going someplace different only to find them on my flight in my same row. I must not have received the memo with 'who to pay' to get more through. When I arrived in London I went to the check in counter to find out exactly what I was allowed for the next day. I got that all squared away and went on to my hotel. I boxed up a big box of stuff I was sending home with Johnny and had the hotel shuttle take me into the little town close by to mail it. That was a fortune but much cheaper than paying for the extra bag on the airlines. Later I walked into the same little town and after walking in circles several times I found this very, very old pub that had been recommended and stopped to have dinner. It was very quaint and I enjoyed the fish and chips and sitting by the fire place. Since my walk in had not been as direct as I thought I took a taxi back to the hotel.
I was up and out early to meet up with Johnny. All went smooth until I got to the security check and they told me I could only carry in one item and it had to be a certain size. By that time I was getting anxious and had wanted so bad to be at the gate when Johnny arrived. I did not know what to do. They sent me back to the check in and by then I was in tears. I kept apologizing for being so emotional and the little gentleman that helped me could not have been nicer. He just took my one bag that I had wanted to check anyway and checked it through and told me to go and enjoy my husband. I was so grateful and wish I had his name to be able to thank him. I was still so emotional and disappointed that I would not be at the gate when Johnny got in. They do security really weird…..I love DFW Airport….I love DFW Airport! You send all your stuff through and you go through and then you go through another one at the end where you take off your shoes. I wanted to share with them an easier way but decided it best that I didn’t. As I was putting on my shoes, I looked up and saw Johnny walking down the way. It probably wasn’t real lady like to yell his name and ran. Probably scared everyone around us! I don’t need to tell you what I did…..Cried like a baby! Johnny kept trying to console me but it was just so wonderful to be in his arms.
We made our way to our next flight and just kept grinning at each other. SO hard to believe we were finally together.
Needless to say we are having such a great time. Telling stories and remembering things to tell each other. We have talked to Amy, Alyson and John Micah a couple times and that has been so fun.
I am not sure what is going on back in Balad but I keep getting updates that they are on a power shortage, water shortage and high security alert. You are only allowed 3 minute combat showers! So sorry I missed that! I hope to hear soon what is happening there. Pray for our troops.
Well enough for now. Again I love you all dearly and appreciate so much your support and encouragement.
In His Mighty Grip,
Linda and Johnny too!
1 comment:
You and Johnny look great!! So good to see you together and refreshed. Praying your return to Iraq goes smoothly. Love ya'
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