Friday, January 4, 2008

Good Days

Dear All,

Happy New Year! I hope you are all settling into the new year. We are all members of one body working together to accomplish what God has for us, according to his purpose. What a motivation to know that what we do is all for the glory of him who made us. Makes you want to strive for excellence when you know you are working for the King.

There are times here that we feel we are going backwards faster than we are making progress forwards. It is those times that I have to trust him the most knowing he has gone before me and will provide what I need when I need it. That has certainly been the case here. The simplest of jobs often feels huge as the logistics of having the supplies you need are not a block away at the hardware store. I often have to laugh as we move forward. I am not sure I told you about our first day of painting. We had an Iraqi crew coming in to paint and we thought they were bringing the supplies to paint and we were to have the paint. That was not the case. We went to the self help area where you get paint and ask for what we needed. It was met with some kind of blank stares. You see, you are only allowed two buckets of paint a day. Our crew of eight would have used that in the first fifteen minutes. That meant we had to get to the right source/person who could give us permission to have more. That was accomplished and fairly painlessly but we were only given one roller and pan and two brushes. Once again we had to go back to the appropriate source/person and get special permission to have the supplies we needed. Even at that they did not have that much. So we thought we are set…. But then a ladder was needed. I go back to get a ladder and am told I need some kind of special signature card to be able to check out a ladder. Once again we get to the right source to make that happen. Everyday looks similar to that. It’s all good and everyone has bent over backwards to help us but there is nothing simple about the process.

It is a constant effort to purposely look at all this from the half full and not the half empty glass. With each new day I have had to learn to face the mountain of obstacles and see them as my friend and not my enemy. For me I have had to make the choice to see that all these hurry ups and wait were God’s yeses and no’s and not anyone or anything trying to prevent this project from happening. I would love to report that I have been successful at keeping that attitude but I admit there have been some down days where I wonder if it would ever happen. We are so close now and we wait for the remaining details to fall into place.

To add to that the three of us here are due for R&R. Hard since we all came in the same time. Shari left yesterday for Dubai for directors meeting and will tack her R&R on to her time there. Angela was to go after me in February but was called home yesterday to the states to be with her family as her grandfather is very ill. Pray for them as they face this hard time. He was, I believe a retired Commander Sergeant Major and serve his country well. About the time the two of them return I will leave out for my R&R. Now if you didn’t pick up on it…..that means I am here alone. When the cats away the mice will play! Not really! I am excited to accomplish what I can while the two of them are gone. It is kind of a challenge to maybe have some extra done as a surprise and encouragement. I am keeping the office open basically from 8 to 8 each day and will be able to keep busy with many touch up and finishing things.

Yes, I can’t believe I will be leaving out in a couple weeks for R&R. I am not going home for this R&R. I am meeting Johnny in the Canary Islands. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? It will be! It will just be so good to see him and share all the stories that I could not share over email, blog or the phone. Johnny has been the greatest encourager through this whole time, and this time apart has only deepened my love, joy, respect and honor for Johnny Robinson. My good friend Karen calls Johnny, St Johnny and you know, I think I would have to agree. He is an amazing man!
It is late so I must head to bed but wanted to say hi. I love you all and am so grateful for your support.

In His Mighty Grip,


Wendel Dickason said...

I had always heard that the most effective military units had a 'Radar O'Reiley' on board and I think we know who it is for USO/Balad! Is there anything you need for bartering (if it should come to that)?

Wendel Dickason

Anonymous said...

I guess I should have told you about military red tape before you went, as a Navy Wife I experienced it alot and EVERYTHING in triplicate. Stay strong, enjoy Johnny
Miss you

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about you! I love you and am always praying for you!