As you can see from my previous post, I have my IT man with me and hence.....Pictures in the posts! More to come....though I am sure that feature was not available in Iraq because I know I could have done that on my own! HA! HA!
PS Sorry Wendel it took me so long!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Tenerife at Last...

Dear All,
What a wonderful time to be away and with Johnny. I think Johnny and I are the only American’s here. This must be the vacation spot for Europeans. With each day we are gearing down more and more. No big plans or places we feel we need to go, just taking it easy and enjoying being together.
Our room faces the ocean which is wonderful but also faces the night life of Tenerife, so we consequently have music until the early hours of the morning. It doesn’t seem to effect my sleeping as much as Johnny’s. During the day we just roam around seeing whatever sites we want to and spend a lot of time walking along the ocean and sitting out on the beach. We have just taken it easy up and until now, but plan to venture out to some of the surrounding towns and sites. Today we took our first bus ride to the next little village over. It was nice and we found a nice little restaurant with probably the best pizza I have ever had. It was called Olive Garden and not to be confused with what we know and love back home.
The trip here went fairly uneventful. I was very frustrated in Kuwait when they would only allow me to check one bag. I had planned on two. I brought a lot of stuff that I did not need that I was sending back with Johnny. Not only did they only allow one bag, the one big one I had was over the weight limit. I had to start stuffing stuff everywhere to get it down enough to qualify. Everyone around me had huge bags and were checking two. I figured they were going someplace different only to find them on my flight in my same row. I must not have received the memo with 'who to pay' to get more through. When I arrived in London I went to the check in counter to find out exactly what I was allowed for the next day. I got that all squared away and went on to my hotel. I boxed up a big box of stuff I was sending home with Johnny and had the hotel shuttle take me into the little town close by to mail it. That was a fortune but much cheaper than paying for the extra bag on the airlines. Later I walked into the same little town and after walking in circles several times I found this very, very old pub that had been recommended and stopped to have dinner. It was very quaint and I enjoyed the fish and chips and sitting by the fire place. Since my walk in had not been as direct as I thought I took a taxi back to the hotel.
I was up and out early to meet up with Johnny. All went smooth until I got to the security check and they told me I could only carry in one item and it had to be a certain size. By that time I was getting anxious and had wanted so bad to be at the gate when Johnny arrived. I did not know what to do. They sent me back to the check in and by then I was in tears. I kept apologizing for being so emotional and the little gentleman that helped me could not have been nicer. He just took my one bag that I had wanted to check anyway and checked it through and told me to go and enjoy my husband. I was so grateful and wish I had his name to be able to thank him. I was still so emotional and disappointed that I would not be at the gate when Johnny got in. They do security really weird…..I love DFW Airport….I love DFW Airport! You send all your stuff through and you go through and then you go through another one at the end where you take off your shoes. I wanted to share with them an easier way but decided it best that I didn’t. As I was putting on my shoes, I looked up and saw Johnny walking down the way. It probably wasn’t real lady like to yell his name and ran. Probably scared everyone around us! I don’t need to tell you what I did…..Cried like a baby! Johnny kept trying to console me but it was just so wonderful to be in his arms.
We made our way to our next flight and just kept grinning at each other. SO hard to believe we were finally together.
Needless to say we are having such a great time. Telling stories and remembering things to tell each other. We have talked to Amy, Alyson and John Micah a couple times and that has been so fun.
I am not sure what is going on back in Balad but I keep getting updates that they are on a power shortage, water shortage and high security alert. You are only allowed 3 minute combat showers! So sorry I missed that! I hope to hear soon what is happening there. Pray for our troops.
Well enough for now. Again I love you all dearly and appreciate so much your support and encouragement.
In His Mighty Grip,
Linda and Johnny too!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Dear All,
Yippy skippy! I am on my way! I got out of Iraq yesterday and spent five hours sitting like a sardine in a C1-30. I unfortunately did not get a direct flight into Kuwait from Balad. We made two stops and each time a few got off and more got on. Our last leg we were jammed packed in that plane. For the day, I totaled three combat take offs and two combat landings and one normal landing in Kuwait. (Combat landing not necessary in Kuwait)I landed in Kuwait late in the evening and could not find any of my USO counterparts and the USO Center was not open. I decided to take the military bus into the airport and get a hotel from there.
You have to wait about thirty minutes for your luggage to arrive. It comes in on a big pallet on a fork lift and is placed out in an open graveled area. A little different than DFW Airport. I had to get my orders stamped and have all my battle rattle (vest and helmet) stored. I missed the bus by about 15 minutes and had to wait until 01:30 to get the bus in. I walked around the base and had McDonald's to eat. Who would ever think I would get excited about a McDonald's hamburger. I made a couple of phone calls and the wait went really fast. You wait for the bus in the R&R check in area. I sat through the briefing that they give the troops getting ready to head home on the R&R flight that goes into Dallas. I talked to several that were going to Dallas and ask them to tell you all hi.
I finally arrived at my hotel at 3 in the morning. As I crawled into bed all I could think of is how much more appreciation I have for our troops. Going on R&R is grueling! Once the troops arrive in Dallas they have been through so much and have to be absolutely exhausted. They have it all very organized but it is still quite an ordeal. Once they get to Kuwait they sometimes have to stay there a day or two. They sleep in tents with fifty others. I felt very blessed to be in a very nice hotel and able to get a little rest before I head out to meet Johnny.
I slept until I woke up this morning and had a very nice quiet day. I even got a pedicure and manicure. I have to be at the airport early, early in the morning. I will have another night alone in London then will meet up with Johnny. I just can't wait.
I just wanted to say hi and let you know I am on my way on R&R. I was able to get so much done at the center before I left and that felt great. I had troops that came and volunteered and helped. I had so much fun with them and getting to know them. One night I got pizza for eight airmen that came to do all sorts of little jobs. They were such a help and were so fun. They all leave in my housing area and had been asking and asking to come help so I put together a list of things that needed done and they got them done. They also did the United Through reading for their children while they were there.
We will check in once we are in the Islands.
I love ya'll and appreciate so much your support and help. The books you are sending are making such a difference and enjoyed by our troops and their families so much.
In His Mighty Grip,
Yippy skippy! I am on my way! I got out of Iraq yesterday and spent five hours sitting like a sardine in a C1-30. I unfortunately did not get a direct flight into Kuwait from Balad. We made two stops and each time a few got off and more got on. Our last leg we were jammed packed in that plane. For the day, I totaled three combat take offs and two combat landings and one normal landing in Kuwait. (Combat landing not necessary in Kuwait)I landed in Kuwait late in the evening and could not find any of my USO counterparts and the USO Center was not open. I decided to take the military bus into the airport and get a hotel from there.
You have to wait about thirty minutes for your luggage to arrive. It comes in on a big pallet on a fork lift and is placed out in an open graveled area. A little different than DFW Airport. I had to get my orders stamped and have all my battle rattle (vest and helmet) stored. I missed the bus by about 15 minutes and had to wait until 01:30 to get the bus in. I walked around the base and had McDonald's to eat. Who would ever think I would get excited about a McDonald's hamburger. I made a couple of phone calls and the wait went really fast. You wait for the bus in the R&R check in area. I sat through the briefing that they give the troops getting ready to head home on the R&R flight that goes into Dallas. I talked to several that were going to Dallas and ask them to tell you all hi.
I finally arrived at my hotel at 3 in the morning. As I crawled into bed all I could think of is how much more appreciation I have for our troops. Going on R&R is grueling! Once the troops arrive in Dallas they have been through so much and have to be absolutely exhausted. They have it all very organized but it is still quite an ordeal. Once they get to Kuwait they sometimes have to stay there a day or two. They sleep in tents with fifty others. I felt very blessed to be in a very nice hotel and able to get a little rest before I head out to meet Johnny.
I slept until I woke up this morning and had a very nice quiet day. I even got a pedicure and manicure. I have to be at the airport early, early in the morning. I will have another night alone in London then will meet up with Johnny. I just can't wait.
I just wanted to say hi and let you know I am on my way on R&R. I was able to get so much done at the center before I left and that felt great. I had troops that came and volunteered and helped. I had so much fun with them and getting to know them. One night I got pizza for eight airmen that came to do all sorts of little jobs. They were such a help and were so fun. They all leave in my housing area and had been asking and asking to come help so I put together a list of things that needed done and they got them done. They also did the United Through reading for their children while they were there.
We will check in once we are in the Islands.
I love ya'll and appreciate so much your support and help. The books you are sending are making such a difference and enjoyed by our troops and their families so much.
In His Mighty Grip,
Monday, January 14, 2008
Snow in Balad!
Dear All,
I am having a hard time getting on the internet here lately so I am sorry that it has been a little while.
Snow in Balad! Hard to believe but day before yesterday I woke up to a layer of snow on the ground. What an odd sight and one I never expected to see. It had rained all that night and in the early hours of dawn turned to snow. By mid morning, though still very cold, the snow was gone and the moisture had made this place a nasty, muddy mess. I think I have just a little better picture of the why the rainy season is spoken of with such dread. The talc consistency of the sand, now mix with moisture, is a little like peanut butter. It sticks and stays and creates quite a mess.
I had the Iraqi crew come today to help me scrub the bathroom and for most of them it was the first time they had ever seen snow. They said it was a sign from God. I am not sure what that sign said but they were clear the snow was a significant deal.
It has been a busy week for me. With both Shari and Angela gone I am going as fast as I can to get as much done as I can before I leave next week for R&R. I was able to get my new bookshelves put together and over to the hospital. It was fun moving in them and getting the United Through Reading office and room a little more fixed up. It looks so much better.
I spent one day repainting our doors in the center. They put these wooden louvers in the doors to help with the airflow and they needed to be painted. Amazing how quickly things get dirty as painting that little bit made the rest of the door look bad. Keep in mind that the only paint we can get on base is flat paint and we are very grateful to have it even though it is hard to keep clean and looking good. All the equipment for setting up our internet arrived and I spent some time tracking that down and getting it here to the center. It should be installed in the next two weeks. Boy will that be a blessing and be a key contributor to getting the center open and running. I also went out to the Special Forces compound to do United Through Reading there with those troops. They are fun and I am so honored to get to go in and do that.
I spent almost two whole days writing thanks you notes for all the books and care packages you have sent. Your support is unbelievable and I love telling the troops over and over what all you have done for them and how much the people back home love them and support them.
I spent most of yesterday and today making pillows for the sofas and some of the remaining drapes. I’m almost there. I am going to buy pillow from the PX and take the stuffing out of them to stuff my pillows. You have to be resourceful! There is no Wal Mart or hardware store to back me up when I need things. Who would ever think I would miss Wal Mart?
The Air Force units stay only four months. We came in at the same time with a new unit at the hospital and now four months later they are all starting to leave. I said goodbye to a group of them last night and that was so emotional for me. Of Course what hasn’t been!!! We came in together and struggled through those first weeks together all homesick and experiencing things we never thought possible. So many of them regularly read to their children and I call their children now by name, so it was like telling family good bye. It made me think of John Micah and the bonds he made during his time here and how close they all were and how hard that transition is when everyone goes home. There is nothing like the issues of war to unite you to people who you would never be close to otherwise. We all stood around in the cold last night waiting for the bus to load and reminiscing about events over the past four months. They finely all loaded the bus and those of us not going lined up by the bus and gave them a proper farewell salute. Since I don’t feel I have earned the right to salute I just put my hand on my heart and cry. I guess that is appropriate for me. Everyone dispersed from there but the bus didn’t leave right away. I couldn’t stand it so I went right inside the bus and told them all how proud I was of them and what an honor it had been watching them serve together. They are top notch men and women that have served their country well. Watching them serve these past months has certainly been a picture of strength under pressure, valor through pain and honor for country above self. They would make you all proud, they certainly did me.
There will be a steady flow of airmen leaving now over the next two weeks. Some that I was the closest to will leave while I am on R&R!
R&R…………I just can’t wait! I can’t even imagine seeing Johnny. What a glorious day that will be. We will meet up the London airport. I get in a day before him so I will have a night there to relax and rest before meeting him. Rest …. I will probably go four hours early and wait at his gate.
Well enough for tonight! A very Happy Birthday to my brother, George! Have a great day!
In His Mighty Grip,
I am having a hard time getting on the internet here lately so I am sorry that it has been a little while.
Snow in Balad! Hard to believe but day before yesterday I woke up to a layer of snow on the ground. What an odd sight and one I never expected to see. It had rained all that night and in the early hours of dawn turned to snow. By mid morning, though still very cold, the snow was gone and the moisture had made this place a nasty, muddy mess. I think I have just a little better picture of the why the rainy season is spoken of with such dread. The talc consistency of the sand, now mix with moisture, is a little like peanut butter. It sticks and stays and creates quite a mess.
I had the Iraqi crew come today to help me scrub the bathroom and for most of them it was the first time they had ever seen snow. They said it was a sign from God. I am not sure what that sign said but they were clear the snow was a significant deal.
It has been a busy week for me. With both Shari and Angela gone I am going as fast as I can to get as much done as I can before I leave next week for R&R. I was able to get my new bookshelves put together and over to the hospital. It was fun moving in them and getting the United Through Reading office and room a little more fixed up. It looks so much better.
I spent one day repainting our doors in the center. They put these wooden louvers in the doors to help with the airflow and they needed to be painted. Amazing how quickly things get dirty as painting that little bit made the rest of the door look bad. Keep in mind that the only paint we can get on base is flat paint and we are very grateful to have it even though it is hard to keep clean and looking good. All the equipment for setting up our internet arrived and I spent some time tracking that down and getting it here to the center. It should be installed in the next two weeks. Boy will that be a blessing and be a key contributor to getting the center open and running. I also went out to the Special Forces compound to do United Through Reading there with those troops. They are fun and I am so honored to get to go in and do that.
I spent almost two whole days writing thanks you notes for all the books and care packages you have sent. Your support is unbelievable and I love telling the troops over and over what all you have done for them and how much the people back home love them and support them.
I spent most of yesterday and today making pillows for the sofas and some of the remaining drapes. I’m almost there. I am going to buy pillow from the PX and take the stuffing out of them to stuff my pillows. You have to be resourceful! There is no Wal Mart or hardware store to back me up when I need things. Who would ever think I would miss Wal Mart?
The Air Force units stay only four months. We came in at the same time with a new unit at the hospital and now four months later they are all starting to leave. I said goodbye to a group of them last night and that was so emotional for me. Of Course what hasn’t been!!! We came in together and struggled through those first weeks together all homesick and experiencing things we never thought possible. So many of them regularly read to their children and I call their children now by name, so it was like telling family good bye. It made me think of John Micah and the bonds he made during his time here and how close they all were and how hard that transition is when everyone goes home. There is nothing like the issues of war to unite you to people who you would never be close to otherwise. We all stood around in the cold last night waiting for the bus to load and reminiscing about events over the past four months. They finely all loaded the bus and those of us not going lined up by the bus and gave them a proper farewell salute. Since I don’t feel I have earned the right to salute I just put my hand on my heart and cry. I guess that is appropriate for me. Everyone dispersed from there but the bus didn’t leave right away. I couldn’t stand it so I went right inside the bus and told them all how proud I was of them and what an honor it had been watching them serve together. They are top notch men and women that have served their country well. Watching them serve these past months has certainly been a picture of strength under pressure, valor through pain and honor for country above self. They would make you all proud, they certainly did me.
There will be a steady flow of airmen leaving now over the next two weeks. Some that I was the closest to will leave while I am on R&R!
R&R…………I just can’t wait! I can’t even imagine seeing Johnny. What a glorious day that will be. We will meet up the London airport. I get in a day before him so I will have a night there to relax and rest before meeting him. Rest …. I will probably go four hours early and wait at his gate.
Well enough for tonight! A very Happy Birthday to my brother, George! Have a great day!
In His Mighty Grip,
Friday, January 4, 2008
Good Days
Dear All,
Happy New Year! I hope you are all settling into the new year. We are all members of one body working together to accomplish what God has for us, according to his purpose. What a motivation to know that what we do is all for the glory of him who made us. Makes you want to strive for excellence when you know you are working for the King.
There are times here that we feel we are going backwards faster than we are making progress forwards. It is those times that I have to trust him the most knowing he has gone before me and will provide what I need when I need it. That has certainly been the case here. The simplest of jobs often feels huge as the logistics of having the supplies you need are not a block away at the hardware store. I often have to laugh as we move forward. I am not sure I told you about our first day of painting. We had an Iraqi crew coming in to paint and we thought they were bringing the supplies to paint and we were to have the paint. That was not the case. We went to the self help area where you get paint and ask for what we needed. It was met with some kind of blank stares. You see, you are only allowed two buckets of paint a day. Our crew of eight would have used that in the first fifteen minutes. That meant we had to get to the right source/person who could give us permission to have more. That was accomplished and fairly painlessly but we were only given one roller and pan and two brushes. Once again we had to go back to the appropriate source/person and get special permission to have the supplies we needed. Even at that they did not have that much. So we thought we are set…. But then a ladder was needed. I go back to get a ladder and am told I need some kind of special signature card to be able to check out a ladder. Once again we get to the right source to make that happen. Everyday looks similar to that. It’s all good and everyone has bent over backwards to help us but there is nothing simple about the process.
It is a constant effort to purposely look at all this from the half full and not the half empty glass. With each new day I have had to learn to face the mountain of obstacles and see them as my friend and not my enemy. For me I have had to make the choice to see that all these hurry ups and wait were God’s yeses and no’s and not anyone or anything trying to prevent this project from happening. I would love to report that I have been successful at keeping that attitude but I admit there have been some down days where I wonder if it would ever happen. We are so close now and we wait for the remaining details to fall into place.
To add to that the three of us here are due for R&R. Hard since we all came in the same time. Shari left yesterday for Dubai for directors meeting and will tack her R&R on to her time there. Angela was to go after me in February but was called home yesterday to the states to be with her family as her grandfather is very ill. Pray for them as they face this hard time. He was, I believe a retired Commander Sergeant Major and serve his country well. About the time the two of them return I will leave out for my R&R. Now if you didn’t pick up on it…..that means I am here alone. When the cats away the mice will play! Not really! I am excited to accomplish what I can while the two of them are gone. It is kind of a challenge to maybe have some extra done as a surprise and encouragement. I am keeping the office open basically from 8 to 8 each day and will be able to keep busy with many touch up and finishing things.
Yes, I can’t believe I will be leaving out in a couple weeks for R&R. I am not going home for this R&R. I am meeting Johnny in the Canary Islands. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? It will be! It will just be so good to see him and share all the stories that I could not share over email, blog or the phone. Johnny has been the greatest encourager through this whole time, and this time apart has only deepened my love, joy, respect and honor for Johnny Robinson. My good friend Karen calls Johnny, St Johnny and you know, I think I would have to agree. He is an amazing man!
It is late so I must head to bed but wanted to say hi. I love you all and am so grateful for your support.
In His Mighty Grip,
Happy New Year! I hope you are all settling into the new year. We are all members of one body working together to accomplish what God has for us, according to his purpose. What a motivation to know that what we do is all for the glory of him who made us. Makes you want to strive for excellence when you know you are working for the King.
There are times here that we feel we are going backwards faster than we are making progress forwards. It is those times that I have to trust him the most knowing he has gone before me and will provide what I need when I need it. That has certainly been the case here. The simplest of jobs often feels huge as the logistics of having the supplies you need are not a block away at the hardware store. I often have to laugh as we move forward. I am not sure I told you about our first day of painting. We had an Iraqi crew coming in to paint and we thought they were bringing the supplies to paint and we were to have the paint. That was not the case. We went to the self help area where you get paint and ask for what we needed. It was met with some kind of blank stares. You see, you are only allowed two buckets of paint a day. Our crew of eight would have used that in the first fifteen minutes. That meant we had to get to the right source/person who could give us permission to have more. That was accomplished and fairly painlessly but we were only given one roller and pan and two brushes. Once again we had to go back to the appropriate source/person and get special permission to have the supplies we needed. Even at that they did not have that much. So we thought we are set…. But then a ladder was needed. I go back to get a ladder and am told I need some kind of special signature card to be able to check out a ladder. Once again we get to the right source to make that happen. Everyday looks similar to that. It’s all good and everyone has bent over backwards to help us but there is nothing simple about the process.
It is a constant effort to purposely look at all this from the half full and not the half empty glass. With each new day I have had to learn to face the mountain of obstacles and see them as my friend and not my enemy. For me I have had to make the choice to see that all these hurry ups and wait were God’s yeses and no’s and not anyone or anything trying to prevent this project from happening. I would love to report that I have been successful at keeping that attitude but I admit there have been some down days where I wonder if it would ever happen. We are so close now and we wait for the remaining details to fall into place.
To add to that the three of us here are due for R&R. Hard since we all came in the same time. Shari left yesterday for Dubai for directors meeting and will tack her R&R on to her time there. Angela was to go after me in February but was called home yesterday to the states to be with her family as her grandfather is very ill. Pray for them as they face this hard time. He was, I believe a retired Commander Sergeant Major and serve his country well. About the time the two of them return I will leave out for my R&R. Now if you didn’t pick up on it…..that means I am here alone. When the cats away the mice will play! Not really! I am excited to accomplish what I can while the two of them are gone. It is kind of a challenge to maybe have some extra done as a surprise and encouragement. I am keeping the office open basically from 8 to 8 each day and will be able to keep busy with many touch up and finishing things.
Yes, I can’t believe I will be leaving out in a couple weeks for R&R. I am not going home for this R&R. I am meeting Johnny in the Canary Islands. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? It will be! It will just be so good to see him and share all the stories that I could not share over email, blog or the phone. Johnny has been the greatest encourager through this whole time, and this time apart has only deepened my love, joy, respect and honor for Johnny Robinson. My good friend Karen calls Johnny, St Johnny and you know, I think I would have to agree. He is an amazing man!
It is late so I must head to bed but wanted to say hi. I love you all and am so grateful for your support.
In His Mighty Grip,
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Years
Dear All,
I sit in my room tonight with so many thoughts running through my head. Still so hard to believe that I just celebrated the New Year here in Iraq. This time last year you could have never convinced me that this is where I’d be. That was a dream to unrealistic to even voice. It has been an honor to be a part of opening the first USO here in Iraq but it has not come without many bumps in the path.
I knew it would be hard being away from my family but never did I imagine the gut wrenching pain that loneliness would pose for me. Learning to cope and handle that loneliness is a continual process that I imagine will remain as long as I am here. The positive side of that is feeling that I can identify in some small way with our troops as they leave their families to go off to war. When they are down and discouraged I can truly reach out as I have tasted a similar loneliness. I have had the most amazing support from all of you and your encouragement certainly makes my days easier and less painful. I pray our troops each have a similar support network behind them but I know there are those who do not and I pray that God give me eyes to see them and ears that will hear them.
I wish you each a very Happy Safe New Years and pray that we all seek the one who made us as you plan and move forward in 2008. As I have said many times, I don’t know what my futures holds, but I do know who holds my future and to him I give praise tonight for his loving watch care over me and my family.
You are so dear and have truly been the hands and feet of Jesus for me as you have loved me and encouraged me through this season in my life.
I love you and miss you,
In His Mighty Grip,
I sit in my room tonight with so many thoughts running through my head. Still so hard to believe that I just celebrated the New Year here in Iraq. This time last year you could have never convinced me that this is where I’d be. That was a dream to unrealistic to even voice. It has been an honor to be a part of opening the first USO here in Iraq but it has not come without many bumps in the path.
I knew it would be hard being away from my family but never did I imagine the gut wrenching pain that loneliness would pose for me. Learning to cope and handle that loneliness is a continual process that I imagine will remain as long as I am here. The positive side of that is feeling that I can identify in some small way with our troops as they leave their families to go off to war. When they are down and discouraged I can truly reach out as I have tasted a similar loneliness. I have had the most amazing support from all of you and your encouragement certainly makes my days easier and less painful. I pray our troops each have a similar support network behind them but I know there are those who do not and I pray that God give me eyes to see them and ears that will hear them.
I wish you each a very Happy Safe New Years and pray that we all seek the one who made us as you plan and move forward in 2008. As I have said many times, I don’t know what my futures holds, but I do know who holds my future and to him I give praise tonight for his loving watch care over me and my family.
You are so dear and have truly been the hands and feet of Jesus for me as you have loved me and encouraged me through this season in my life.
I love you and miss you,
In His Mighty Grip,
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