We have had some significant changes here at the USO in Balad and the atmosphere and center are thriving even greater than ever. Our new director arrived last Sunday and already you can see the atmosphere at the center taking on a new feel. I have enjoyed watching our new director enjoy the troops and have a great time with. I know she will bring much to the center and life here.
Prior to her arrival a director from Kuwait came in and we had a great time. She opened the door to doing fun programs with the troops that we had not been able to do before. One night last week we did quiz night. We had twenty questions for the troops to answer and the three with the most answers right got prizes. We had pizza afterwards. Another night we took 25 pizzas over to the pool for the troops. We had our logo Frisbees to give out. Friday night we played BINGO in the center and that was a big hit. We had all sorts of fun giveaways for the winners. Saturday night we had a cook out and volunteer appreciation night for all those who have helped us so much. A unit from Fort Sill left out this week to go home for good and five or six of them had volunteered over 600 hours. They had become very special to us and it was hard to see them go. Wonderful knowing they are home with their families. I have heard from a couple of them and they sound great.
I had another all day United Through Reading at another part of the base and recorded 64 UTR’s. I always enjoy those days. We have had a record month recording 601 DVD’s. That represents around 1400 children that will have smiles on their faces because they got to see their mom or dad on DVD and have a story read to them. I am having a few issues with my cameras so we will soon begin to replace them one at a time. As of today we have filmed 3042 UTR’s since we have been here. The cameras have served us well but possibly could be getting a little tired.
The director from Kuwait was a great encouragement and has given us so many ideas of things we can do in the center with the troops that we did not know we could do. Angela got back from R&R and it is great to have her back and to hear all about her trip. She is such a sweetheart. There is nothing like working shoulder to shoulder in a war zone to knit two people together.
KLIF in Dallas, Texas did a snack drive for us and we have been receiving boxes of snacks. That has been so wonderful to have good stuff and different stuff out for the troops. They eat it as fast as we can put it out. I think it is more that they are in a home like environment that gives them the munchies. Thank you so much Dallas, Texas for your generosity. You are such an encouragement to out troops.
Well I am off to bed. I stay pretty tired as we still work very long hours. I have to work at getting myself to bed so I don’t wear myself out. I love you all and thank you so much for your support.
In His Mighty Grip,
Oh Linda, you are such a blessing to our soldiers and their families. I am grateful they have you there to make this time a little better for them. Praise God for people like you, and for your family who support you in this wonderful mission.
Wow! You've been busy!!! That's awesome about the 601 UTRs...and over 3,000 total! I can't believe it!
Love and kisses,
Many of us send boxes to the troops via groups like anysoldier.com.
But I also like supporting what you do. IF you want, I can send my next box to you. You can email me an address. I usually include some magazines. If you have any special request of magazines, I can see what I can do.
Thanks for help our troops.
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