Dear All,
I am sure you are wondering if I fell off the face of the earth or maybe did not return from R&R. None of the above, it has just been busy and I am just now getting into the swing of things and my routine back. R&R was wonderful. Nothing tops being with Johnny and our children!
I was so grateful for the opportunity to ride home on the R&R flight with all the military troops. I always knew it was a long grueling trip but now I KNOW it is a long grueling trip. For me it took four days to make it from where I am in Iraq to Dallas. I was fortunate that I had no issues getting home. No sand storms or delays or canceled flights as many of our troops experience. My trip could not have gone smoother but even still it was long and exhausting. The hurry up and wait certainly takes on a whole new perspective. Hours it took! It is a very smooth operation but when you are moving that many troops it just takes time to do it and do it safely. I literally had to dump my whole suitcase so customs could go through it and then repack. Nothing went unnoticed! Once through customs we were secluded until boarding buses to go to catch our flight. Prior to the time we went through this process the place that we were secluded, I had thought was a prison on the base. Now I know….it is the holding place for all R&R troops. Sure like a prison to me from the outside.
I met many great troops along the way. I had a darling Marine colonel as our commander for the flight. I am sure he would grin to hear me say that. He was headed to the west coast to his wife and two darling little girls. I was one of three civilians on the flight. Every seat was taken so we were packed in like sardines. Once leaving Kuwait we made one stop before arriving in Atlanta. Flight time around sixteen hours! There were cheers as we landed on American soil. Those of us going on to the next leg of the flight to Dallas never left the secure area. It was sad as there was no one there to cheer and tell these battle weary guys thanks. Maybe it happens when they leave the secure area but certainly not where we were. The flight from Atlanta to Dallas got a little livelier as troops recognized they were almost there. The cheers were even greater when we landed in Dallas. Dallas you make me proud the way you greet our troops. I walked off the plane and into Johnny’s arms and boy did that feel good. It was wonderful to walk out to the cheers of so many and see my mom and daughter and uncle and so many friends.
The next morning I spent two hours walking through Wal Mart. Who would ever think Wal Mart could be so fascinating. It was amazing seeing everything you need right there together. Next I ventured into Sam’s and Home Depot. Oh to have had these stores close when we were trying to do all the renovation on the center. I just kept walking through my house and loving it. It was beautiful and clean and HOME. John Micah drove in from Lubbock and Amy flew in from California. It was so good to see them. On Saturday Johnny had arranged for Amy, Alyson and I to go to this very nice exclusive spa for a day of pampering. We had massages, body scrubs, facials, manicures and pedicures and the works. What a wonderful day of pampering and even better that I got to share it with my girls. When we got home Johnny had everything all set up for all our family to come over for dinner. He catered the dinner from Babe’s! Yummy! I did not lift a finger! It was wonderful seeing everyone and visiting and just being together in my home.
The rest of my time at home was spent visiting with family and friends and just taking it easy. I was able to be a part of the Defenders of Freedom Annual Golf outing and that was fun for me. The days flew by and leaving was tough. Somehow it does not get easier saying goodbye.
It is so strange because as hard as it was to leave it was good to be back and doing what I feel called to do right now. The trip back was as grueling as the one going over but with a more somber atmosphere. I spent another night in the transient housing in Kuwait and then spent the next day sitting at the terminal waiting on a flight. We sat on a C17 for an hour or so before they canceled that flight and back to the terminal to wait. I finally got back to Balad a bit sleep depraved but ready to get back in the swing of things.
It was good to see so many of you while I was home. You are all so special and your support means everything to me.
In His Mighty Grip,
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