One thing that happens during dust storms are mortar attacks. The air support cannot get out do surveillance and the insurgents know that so they make their presence known in a big way. Before the day was over we had had many sirens and alerts. One did injure a soldier but I understand he is doing fine. So much to learn and understand! Mom, I am very careful and do exactly what I am supposed to and I am also in a hard structure so I am really safe.
I am hoping that when I go to post this I will be able to put pictures with it. You just never know here if the internet is going to cooperate or not. This picture is a five pound chocolate bar that Johnny sent. He had contacted the Hershey Company and they also sent a case of chocolate Kissables.
Well it has been a week since I started this and so much has gone on that I want to tell you. Hopefully I can stay awake long enough to finish this. We have had several more days of dust storms since the one mentioned above. It’s that time of year so you just deal with it. You never really feel clean. Once you shower you still have to walk back to your room. It is just kind of nasty. Everyone walks around outside with something around their face where all that is exposed is their eyes. It is really kind of scary looking. I understand that this will remain with us until probably mid June. Now that excites me.

The concert was wonderful. You know me I got emotional watching the troops have so much fun. HE sang all my favorites. After the concert I had a few things to do at the center to clean up and close up. One of our regular volunteers who will be leaving next week stayed to help. We decided to take these USO “Mortaritaville” Frisbees over to the band members. Long story short, Toby Keith was sitting out front and me and this soldier sat and visited for almost an hour. Toby was hungry so we ran down to Burger King and got him something to eat. It was pretty awesome. He was very nice and signed some things for us to have to give to troops and even gave this soldier his Toby Keith coin. When we got in the car I told the soldier I was with that I felt rather silly. Here I am a 54 year old women giddy excited that I got to see and talk to Toby Keith. Oh Well! I just have such respect for him because he values and honors our troops so much! That is big in my book!
I start home for R&R soon. I am thrilled. I hope arrive the 7th. It will be so good to see my family and friends and all those who have so graciously and generously supported me and the mission here. You are all the best.
In His Mighty Grip,
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