Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Ribbon Cutting

Dear All,

I have Internet in my room once again. Yippy Skippy! I am going to try and go back and catch you up on a few events that I was not able to write about. I will start tonight with our recent Ribbon cutting!

It was a great day. After days and weeks of planning, working and pushing through red tape and brick walls we celebrated USO Balad’s ribbon cutting. Admiral Mike Mullen was present to be a part of that ribbon cutting. It was a proud moment to watch Kevin, Col Romine, Admiral Mullen and Shari hold the three foot ceremonial scissors and cut the red, white and blue ribbon. Present to observe this event and landmark in USO history were many troops, along with Robin Williams, Kid Rock, Lance Armstrong and Miss USA.

Our time was very short with the distinguished guests that came but it accomplished what it needed to and certainly made a memory in my heart. The DV’s were here for a concert that they did just prior to coming over to our ribbon cutting. For obvious safety reason here in “Mortaritaville” they don’t normally have entertainment venues outside, but it was the only way to accommodate the numbers of troops that wanted to attend. As for me, standing there at the concert and watching the troops sing and laugh and participate just blessed my heart. The stadium was full and the field in front of the stage packed with troops. Big military vehicles were parked on either side of the stage and troops were sitting up on them.

The center is beautiful. I will download my pictures and send them to you soon. Shari did an outstanding job planning and executing the remodel .The center is unlike anything here on base and I know will bring much joy and refreshment to the troops that come in. The doors are not actually opened yet as we wait on many little unfinished areas to be completed. In fact there is not one room that is fully operational.

Along with things not being ready we will also be very short staff through the middle of February. Shari will be on leave the first part of January, I will take leave the end of January and Angela will go right when I get back. That will make staffing the center very hard. The way our center is set up we will need to have two staff here at all times, one at the check in desk and the other walking around keeping an eye on everything. We are keeping the office open all day so we are there for the workers as they come and for those who stop in for a tour.

I must head to bed now but tomorrow will catch you up on my most recent move.
I love you all dearly and miss you so much!

In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Dear All,

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I sat in church Sunday and was so emotional until I realized all of us there were experiencing the same thing. It kind of helped to take the focus off of myself and reach out to others. I have truly learned that it is in giving that we receive. When being away from family and friends gets to be to much I have to stop and focus on those around and somehow in reaching out and encouraging others I too am encouraged.

Your cards and care packages have meant the world and seem to always arrive on the perfect day. The out pour of Children's books have been so appreciated by our troops and are making such a difference in their families. I have hugged and encouraged Generals and Private who are emotional after reading to their children. It has been a treasured part of my time here.

I pray that each and everyone of you have a special Christmas and enjoy wonderful time with your families and friends.

I love you all dearly and miss you so much!
In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, December 17, 2007


Hi All,

The volunteers to put things together are troops from here. I have had several emails of people volunteering to come help put furniture together. Ya'll are great and thanks!

I have just one more pair of valances to make but still no curtain rods. I will be gone all day tomorrow doing the United Through Reading Program out at the Special Operations compound so I won't get much done on the center. Shari will be working hard putting the final touches on. Okay maybe we need a few more than final touches but she will do her magic.

The weather has stayed great! You need a sweater or light jacket in the evening but it warms up good during the day. Day before yesterday I almost thought I was in West Texas. It was pretty windy and cool. Still no major rain. We had one twenty four hour period where it rained but nothing since. My girls sent me some great rain boots so I am set when it hits.

We closed up working early this evening. We were all pretty exhausted and needed to get some rest. I wanted to come check email before I go to my room. Things have been just so busy that I have not even checked email everyday and I feel out of touch.

More later, I love and miss you all.
In HiS Mighty Grip,

Opening Soon!

Dear All,
A very Happy Holiday to all of you! The pace is picking up around here as we gear up for the finishing touches on the USO Center. Workers are busily finishing up the final touches and we are waiting for flooring and furniture to arrive. The furniture is to arrive the earliest the 18th and we are trying to have a soft opening the 20th. Much of the furniture is IKEA so it will need to be assembled. We may need to have a “bring your own screw driver party” to get everything put together.

Well I started this blog three days ago and just can’t seem to find time to finish it. I either fall asleep trying to write or am going so fast I can’t stop to do it. I miss very much writing to you and sharing what all is going on. It will get a little easier once the center is up and running.

I will be moving again. This time it should be for good. We will put Internet in there. It has been Shari’s desire to secure real state that will forever remain USO property. When the different ones leave a new USO employee will come in and enjoy the already set up room. The room I am in now is equivalent to a single wide trailer that is divided into three rooms. My new room is the same but only divided into two rooms. It is as close to the bathrooms as you can get so that will also be nice.

I started this blog entry three days ago but both nights fell asleep typing and woke up a couple hours later with my laptop sitting in my lap.

We had a great two days. Our flooring arrived yesterday and they installed it last night and today. Then we got a call yesterday afternoon and our furniture was going to arrive this morning. We are thrilled and it was nice leaving there this evening with things starting to really look like a center. I have spent the last couple of days sewing! Those of you who know me, know how I love to sew so it has felt good to do my part making curtains and will do pillows next. The only hitch is our curtain rods have not arrived. We so hope to have them by Thursday for our opening. KBR did some builds for us in our lounge and they installed them today also. They are amazing and we are very proud and honored that they did that for the USO. Between now and Thursday there is lots and lots of little stuff that will keep us very busy.

I have received so many books and I appreciate them so much. Ya’ll have been fabulous to send so many. I am going through them fast and so it is always thrilling to open another books labeled books. Last Friday I was running out of the mini DVD’s and it bothered me so bad to turn troops away because I did not have the supplies I needed. As I was packing up for the evening I took a minute to open a care package that Donna sent me that I had not had a minute to look at much less open. When I got it opened I burst into tears as once again God’s almighty provision for my needs sat right in front of me and had been there all day. It was a box filled with enough mini DVD’s to last me a good two weeks. Different ones kept sticking their heads into see why I was crying and it was wonderful to tell them how great God is and how he cares about them. It was great to tell them how all of you in the states loved them and supported them and were the ones sending all these books and DVD’s. They were all very touched at your support.

The top of the box was filled with all sorts of sewing notions. Could not have done this sewing project without them! I am just so deeply touched by all the support I am receiving. It is so humbling and motivates me so much to make full use of my time here.

I will be sewing most of tomorrow and then doing United Through Reading all day Tuesday. I will take lots of pictures of the opening at eh center for you to see.

Again thank you so much for your support.I miss you all so much and I love you.
In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pressing On....

Dear All,
Well the internet is no longer in my room. The individual who actually had the internet was transferred and I didn’t keep it as we will be relocating and will then get it installed at that location. I've been spoiled having it in my room. I apologize in not posting on the blog but my days have been extremely busy.

It is going to get even more busy now as I will start this week making pillows and curtains with the sewing machine we purchased for the USO. We have lots of touch up painting to do as well. Our priority tomorrow is to track down internet for the center and for our rooms when we relocate.

Shari made a trip to Kuwait last week to finalize the purchase and transport of the furniture for the USO. A lot of it is from IKEA so that will mean we have to assemble it. We will invite volunteers over to come and bring a screw driver and help. It is nice for me having Shari back.

I am generally unaware that it is the holidays because our days are so busy, but then when I heard Christmas music in the PX the other day I just started crying. Christmas time is always a special time around the Robinson household.

The United Through Reading program continues to flourish. Thank you, thank you for all of the books that you have sent. It is just incredible as I am receiving them from all parts of the U.S. What great Americans you are!!! I am so blessed because of you kind generosity. I wish each of you could just hear just one of these soldiers reading your book to their children. It is truly something special and it is all because of you. God bless each one of you!!

I attended Church today and am getting to know many of the soldiers there. It is amazing the strong faith of many of our military commanders. What a blessing for all of sons and daughters who are led by these commanders.

Well I hope to give you a more extensive update very soon. It is a little more challenging without the internet in my room.

I love you all and thank you for your continued prayers and support.

In His Mighty Grip,

Linda (posted by JR)