Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Ribbon Cutting

Dear All,

I have Internet in my room once again. Yippy Skippy! I am going to try and go back and catch you up on a few events that I was not able to write about. I will start tonight with our recent Ribbon cutting!

It was a great day. After days and weeks of planning, working and pushing through red tape and brick walls we celebrated USO Balad’s ribbon cutting. Admiral Mike Mullen was present to be a part of that ribbon cutting. It was a proud moment to watch Kevin, Col Romine, Admiral Mullen and Shari hold the three foot ceremonial scissors and cut the red, white and blue ribbon. Present to observe this event and landmark in USO history were many troops, along with Robin Williams, Kid Rock, Lance Armstrong and Miss USA.

Our time was very short with the distinguished guests that came but it accomplished what it needed to and certainly made a memory in my heart. The DV’s were here for a concert that they did just prior to coming over to our ribbon cutting. For obvious safety reason here in “Mortaritaville” they don’t normally have entertainment venues outside, but it was the only way to accommodate the numbers of troops that wanted to attend. As for me, standing there at the concert and watching the troops sing and laugh and participate just blessed my heart. The stadium was full and the field in front of the stage packed with troops. Big military vehicles were parked on either side of the stage and troops were sitting up on them.

The center is beautiful. I will download my pictures and send them to you soon. Shari did an outstanding job planning and executing the remodel .The center is unlike anything here on base and I know will bring much joy and refreshment to the troops that come in. The doors are not actually opened yet as we wait on many little unfinished areas to be completed. In fact there is not one room that is fully operational.

Along with things not being ready we will also be very short staff through the middle of February. Shari will be on leave the first part of January, I will take leave the end of January and Angela will go right when I get back. That will make staffing the center very hard. The way our center is set up we will need to have two staff here at all times, one at the check in desk and the other walking around keeping an eye on everything. We are keeping the office open all day so we are there for the workers as they come and for those who stop in for a tour.

I must head to bed now but tomorrow will catch you up on my most recent move.
I love you all dearly and miss you so much!

In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Dear All,

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I sat in church Sunday and was so emotional until I realized all of us there were experiencing the same thing. It kind of helped to take the focus off of myself and reach out to others. I have truly learned that it is in giving that we receive. When being away from family and friends gets to be to much I have to stop and focus on those around and somehow in reaching out and encouraging others I too am encouraged.

Your cards and care packages have meant the world and seem to always arrive on the perfect day. The out pour of Children's books have been so appreciated by our troops and are making such a difference in their families. I have hugged and encouraged Generals and Private who are emotional after reading to their children. It has been a treasured part of my time here.

I pray that each and everyone of you have a special Christmas and enjoy wonderful time with your families and friends.

I love you all dearly and miss you so much!
In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, December 17, 2007


Hi All,

The volunteers to put things together are troops from here. I have had several emails of people volunteering to come help put furniture together. Ya'll are great and thanks!

I have just one more pair of valances to make but still no curtain rods. I will be gone all day tomorrow doing the United Through Reading Program out at the Special Operations compound so I won't get much done on the center. Shari will be working hard putting the final touches on. Okay maybe we need a few more than final touches but she will do her magic.

The weather has stayed great! You need a sweater or light jacket in the evening but it warms up good during the day. Day before yesterday I almost thought I was in West Texas. It was pretty windy and cool. Still no major rain. We had one twenty four hour period where it rained but nothing since. My girls sent me some great rain boots so I am set when it hits.

We closed up working early this evening. We were all pretty exhausted and needed to get some rest. I wanted to come check email before I go to my room. Things have been just so busy that I have not even checked email everyday and I feel out of touch.

More later, I love and miss you all.
In HiS Mighty Grip,

Opening Soon!

Dear All,
A very Happy Holiday to all of you! The pace is picking up around here as we gear up for the finishing touches on the USO Center. Workers are busily finishing up the final touches and we are waiting for flooring and furniture to arrive. The furniture is to arrive the earliest the 18th and we are trying to have a soft opening the 20th. Much of the furniture is IKEA so it will need to be assembled. We may need to have a “bring your own screw driver party” to get everything put together.

Well I started this blog three days ago and just can’t seem to find time to finish it. I either fall asleep trying to write or am going so fast I can’t stop to do it. I miss very much writing to you and sharing what all is going on. It will get a little easier once the center is up and running.

I will be moving again. This time it should be for good. We will put Internet in there. It has been Shari’s desire to secure real state that will forever remain USO property. When the different ones leave a new USO employee will come in and enjoy the already set up room. The room I am in now is equivalent to a single wide trailer that is divided into three rooms. My new room is the same but only divided into two rooms. It is as close to the bathrooms as you can get so that will also be nice.

I started this blog entry three days ago but both nights fell asleep typing and woke up a couple hours later with my laptop sitting in my lap.

We had a great two days. Our flooring arrived yesterday and they installed it last night and today. Then we got a call yesterday afternoon and our furniture was going to arrive this morning. We are thrilled and it was nice leaving there this evening with things starting to really look like a center. I have spent the last couple of days sewing! Those of you who know me, know how I love to sew so it has felt good to do my part making curtains and will do pillows next. The only hitch is our curtain rods have not arrived. We so hope to have them by Thursday for our opening. KBR did some builds for us in our lounge and they installed them today also. They are amazing and we are very proud and honored that they did that for the USO. Between now and Thursday there is lots and lots of little stuff that will keep us very busy.

I have received so many books and I appreciate them so much. Ya’ll have been fabulous to send so many. I am going through them fast and so it is always thrilling to open another books labeled books. Last Friday I was running out of the mini DVD’s and it bothered me so bad to turn troops away because I did not have the supplies I needed. As I was packing up for the evening I took a minute to open a care package that Donna sent me that I had not had a minute to look at much less open. When I got it opened I burst into tears as once again God’s almighty provision for my needs sat right in front of me and had been there all day. It was a box filled with enough mini DVD’s to last me a good two weeks. Different ones kept sticking their heads into see why I was crying and it was wonderful to tell them how great God is and how he cares about them. It was great to tell them how all of you in the states loved them and supported them and were the ones sending all these books and DVD’s. They were all very touched at your support.

The top of the box was filled with all sorts of sewing notions. Could not have done this sewing project without them! I am just so deeply touched by all the support I am receiving. It is so humbling and motivates me so much to make full use of my time here.

I will be sewing most of tomorrow and then doing United Through Reading all day Tuesday. I will take lots of pictures of the opening at eh center for you to see.

Again thank you so much for your support.I miss you all so much and I love you.
In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pressing On....

Dear All,
Well the internet is no longer in my room. The individual who actually had the internet was transferred and I didn’t keep it as we will be relocating and will then get it installed at that location. I've been spoiled having it in my room. I apologize in not posting on the blog but my days have been extremely busy.

It is going to get even more busy now as I will start this week making pillows and curtains with the sewing machine we purchased for the USO. We have lots of touch up painting to do as well. Our priority tomorrow is to track down internet for the center and for our rooms when we relocate.

Shari made a trip to Kuwait last week to finalize the purchase and transport of the furniture for the USO. A lot of it is from IKEA so that will mean we have to assemble it. We will invite volunteers over to come and bring a screw driver and help. It is nice for me having Shari back.

I am generally unaware that it is the holidays because our days are so busy, but then when I heard Christmas music in the PX the other day I just started crying. Christmas time is always a special time around the Robinson household.

The United Through Reading program continues to flourish. Thank you, thank you for all of the books that you have sent. It is just incredible as I am receiving them from all parts of the U.S. What great Americans you are!!! I am so blessed because of you kind generosity. I wish each of you could just hear just one of these soldiers reading your book to their children. It is truly something special and it is all because of you. God bless each one of you!!

I attended Church today and am getting to know many of the soldiers there. It is amazing the strong faith of many of our military commanders. What a blessing for all of sons and daughters who are led by these commanders.

Well I hope to give you a more extensive update very soon. It is a little more challenging without the internet in my room.

I love you all and thank you for your continued prayers and support.

In His Mighty Grip,

Linda (posted by JR)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving in Kuwait!

Dear All,

I know it has been a while since I sent an update so I hope to catch you up on things. Life has been very busy working on the center. They have almost finished painting and since it was the first time for this Iraqi crew to paint we have s lot of touch up painting to do! Shari arrived almost two weeks ago and she is working hard keeping things going on this project.

We moved into our new housing and we love it. They are dry trailers but the bathrooms are very close. It is a whole different environment than my old place. Quite a community type feel to it. We have the Red Cross staff on our row and I think they are not as happy about us being there as we are being there. The walls are paper thin and you can hear everything that goes on in the room next door. Fortunately for me my neighbor works 10 at night until 8 in the morning so that makes it easier for me at night to not have to be overly concerned about making noise. Shari on the other hand has a neighbor who is here at night and he is VERY sensitive about any noise. Being that our rooms are also our office we are in and out and in each others rooms constantly. In the evening when we are there we leave our doors open and that way we can go in and out and visit with those passing by.

We have been so busy we have not been able to work at the hospital as much but we love it when we do. There was a mass causality a week or so ago and while we were at lunch the called for all medical personal to return to the hospital. We were going there anyway so we went on in and were able to help. We ended up taking all the litters or stretchers and cleaning them. You use a power washer to wash them down then stand them up in the sun to dry. Another part that has to be done and it felt good to be able to help. Again it was amazing to watch the staff and volunteers go into action and handle this so well and care for the injured Iraqi people.

We have met so many wonderful people and have had so much support and help. Our regional operations person was here and she got me a car so wow I am spoiled. It does really help though.

United Through Reading is going well and I am so appreciative of all the books you have sent. There is no way to describe how much this program means to our troops. One Airmen told me that his wife said their two year old son talk to his daddy all the way through the DVD and when they went to replay the DVD the little boy said “no daddy I’ll get us another book.” Did not quite understand daddy on the TV yet! They are starting to bring me pictures of their children and I will soon put together a bulletin board to display them. I kind of feel like they are all my babies now! Last Friday and Saturday I filmed 38 DVD’s. Isn’t that cool! It just blesses my heart to be a part of this program.

This next week I have several other unites that I will go to and film. The word is out and I could be doing UTR 24/7 if I could. Again thank you for the books and keep them coming.

Things started really falling into place this past week on the building but we kept running into one brick wall after another. The first of this week it was suggested that we fly into Kuwait and find what we need and then have it brought in on a convoy. So in a matter of hours we were on a small plane into Kuwait. I will say that was a nice way to travel and it was interesting being able to see a little of the terrain. Shari and I have had a good time here in Kuwait. Who would have ever thought a bath would almost make you cry and a toilet in your room would feel like such luxury.

The only things about coming meant that we missed Thanksgiving with our troops but it was necessary. God was good. The day was hard and emotional realizing how far away from my family I was. We were invited to a family’s home that are American’s but have lived here for seventeen years. They were delightful. Their home was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Bottom floor was a beautiful pool then there were four levels above that. The have a remodeling/decorating business and their home certainly showed off their abilities. It was a sit down dinner for 125. Prior to dinner we were entertained by singers. They had an amazing spread of food with all the trimmings and desserts that fit for the famous. After dinner a magician performed and then best of all they pushed the furniture back, cranked up the music and danced. Boy was that fun. It was a delightful evening. Kevin was here and his daughter and Shari’s son so in the absence of my own family I was very grateful for the new extended family God has giving me. The host and hostess were very gracious and made us feel very welcome.

We shopped all day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and found a good deal of stuff we needed. The contractor we are working with from Balad came in and took us around Saturday. Hopefully we have made some progress!

We are now on the return process which who knows how long that will take. It is the hurry up and wait thing. I am back now. We ended up spending the night at the USO center in Kuwait and arrived here today at four in the morning. A little tired but feeling like we are moving forward.

I love you all and miss you greatly.
In His Mighty Grip,

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Belated Veterans Day!

Dear All,

Happy Belated Veterans Day! First and foremost I want to thank all my dear veteran friends for your service and sacrifice to our country. To my son John Micah, I am so proud of you and your service to our country and for the patriotism that runs so deep in your veins. Your choice changed my life. Blake I thank you also and am so very proud of you!

Veterans Day was another memorable day that will be forever etched on my heart. One hundred and fifty six soldiers, airmen and marines stood together and pledged their allegiance to our country and took the American oath of citizenship. It was so touching. The keynote speaker was the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. It was rather poignant to be sitting in what was once a beautiful theater built by the past dictator and ruler of Iraq that stripped his people of freedom and yet today that place was hallowed ground as troops representing fifty three other countries raised their right hand and took the oath of allegiance. As they stood to take the oath the aisles filled with theirs friends and battle buddies snapping pictures right and left. As their name was called and they walked across the stage to receive theirs papers and to receive the congratulatory hand shake and photo with the significant people on the stage their battle buddies captured just the right picture and often cheer out of excitement.

And me, I cried like a baby all the way. I found every part of it to be so meaningful and dear. I love watching the pride these troops had as they took the oath but equally as meaningful was the excitement and support their battle buddies exhibited to them. It was clear they knew what a special day this was.

I have much I want to tell you and will catch you up on everything this evening but I just couldn’t wait another day to thank our veterans.

I love you and miss you!
In His Mighty Grip,

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Making Progress

Dear All,

The time seems to be flying and things for the center are moving along. They have just about finished painting the rooms that they can and now our work begins doing touch ups and all those things that will make the center homey. This was the first painting this crew had ever done and I guess for a first they did pretty well. Many drips, drops and run found their way to the floor and we are hopeful they come up.
Shari is here and will be with us through the end of the year and we are most grateful for that. She is a delight and a very hard worker and I am excited about learning from her.

Big news! I am moving! Shari needed a room and they found her one a couple miles away from mine in a different pod. It is a little smaller pod and the bathrooms are much, much closer. We did some checking and talked to the appropriate people and were able to secure me a room in the same area and in fact just across from Shari’s. For me this is a real blessing. One the bathrooms are very close and there is a walk way to the showers which will be wonderful when the rainy season begins. With Shari and I there together we will be able to do the battle buddy thing which will make us both feel much more secure. I couldn't be more pleased and relieved. The room is almost exactly like what I was in so it will be an easy move.
The weather here is wonderful. It is in the 50’s when I get up and gets up in the 80’s during the day. Very pleasant! I think I am a little intimidated by the rainy season that everyone talks about. I had two people ask me today if I had my rubber boots. That sounds attractive! They say it is really yucky and messy. The sand is so fine is just makes a paste and it goes everywhere. I am sure I’ll have much more to tell you about it when it is here. Until then I will enjoy these beautiful days in this land where it all began.

Shari came with me to the hospital yesterday and was trained at the helipad. We stayed for a couple hours and she thoroughly enjoyed it. We will enjoy the time we have right now to be there as I know once the center is open it will be a little harder to go. I am still hoping to work my schedule where I have at least one night a week where I can go and help. It is just so rewarding and I love meeting all the different ones that come to volunteer. I have so many special friends there at the hospital. Most will go home sometime during the first of the year so then I will have a whole new group to get to know.

United Through Reading is tomorrow and I am always excited about that. I have received a good deal of books and that makes it so wonderful. I received a big box from Pat and Jill yesterday!

Well I must get to bed. I love you all dearly and miss you so much.

In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, November 5, 2007

Busy Days and Books and Bagpipes

Dear All,

It has been a busy week but one that has some progress to show for it. First and foremost, we have a building. It will be perfect and we are excited to now move forward. We have a crew of Iraqi national who are painting and cleaning the building. It is quite a process for them to work on base. I don’t know what all that process consists of but I trust they have been thoroughly screened. Even with all the screening they are accompany by two armed soldiers who guard them as they work. They only work about two to two and a half hours in the morning and are gone before noon. If you want them to stay until mid afternoon you must provide them lunch. The guards have quite a job keeping them working. They would rather take breaks than work. A strong work ethic is not real apparent. It feels like it is going to take forever for the painting and all to be finished but they actually have made pretty good progress.

Supplies are hard to come by on the base. Finding and having enough rollers, buckets, extension poles and paint is a battle in itself. Of course one must realize we are in a war zone and supplies to help improve the esthetic of building is not, as it should be, a priority. We are fortunate to have some wonderful contacts that are doing everything possible for us. The base is thrilled at the thought of having a USO Center here for our troops.

In the process of all this I found an area that I think is so cool. On base they have an area set up with all sorts of tools that the troops can use. Though the materials are somewhat limited, troops were there making shelves, tool box cabinets, flag cases and one sweet soldier was making a beautiful little something for his wife for Christmas. I am not going to tell you what he was making, just in case she reads this blog. It was sweet and I was touched that with as few hours as he has off he chose to spend it making a treasured keepsake for his sweetheart. And it wasn’t even Christmas Eve! He planned ahead! WOW! Ya’ll know me and tools….I was itching to get in there and build something.

In the last two days books have been arriving in the mail for the UTR program. I am so excited and can’t wait until next Friday. Big thanks to my Mom, Aunt Ann, Don, Greta, Connie and Candy for all the books. I will now be able to go ahead and set up times in some of the other units to go to their headquarters and film their troops. With as many soldiers, airmen and marines on this base you could keep a person working pretty much full time just doing this program.

Now to the heart of my day! This week three Air Force Special Agents from our base were killed in an IED explosion. Today was their memorial. Once again I was so touched to able to participate in this memorial. If only the world and especially America’s could see how our “Fallen Heroes” are honored. I was intrigue and awe struck by the reverence and valor I saw displayed throughout the entire hour and half ceremony. The unfolding and folding of the flags, the firing of the guns and the bagpiper playing Amazing Grace all spoke loudly of the honor and value placed on the lives of these three who sacrificed all for me. There were no details left unattended. The words prayed and spoken by those present were not only a tribute to these three beautiful young service men but also a testimony to the country they loved. I couldn’t help but think of their mothers, fathers, siblings, wives and children who were at home grieving. I pray that God Almighty will comfort them during this time of pain. I pray the communities they live in will embrace these families not just today or through these initial weeks but will stand by them for the many years to come.

At the end of the service as the bagpiper played, those that served side by side with these three walked up in pairs to the traditional boots, helmet and gun to say their final goodbyes. To watch them stand and so reverently salute then kneel by each pair of boots and grieve absolutely took my breath away. I’ll never be able to express all the emotions that ran through as I watched. Sorrow, pain, pride, joy all mixed up together!

I sit here tonight only seven weeks into this journey and find myself so grateful for all your support and encouragement. Every card, email, package and book you send speaks volumes to me of how loved and supported I am. Johnny Robinson, you are my hero! Thank you for supporting in this journey and for being that constant hand of support.

I love you all so dearly and miss you greatly!

In His Mighty Grip,

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Moving Forward

Dear All,

It has been a busy week but full of new adventures and progress. Things are moving forward with our center. We are thrilled. The cleaning and painting has begun and that feels wonderful. Paint is very limited here on base so we only had two colors to pick from. We chose a light gray. When it first was going up and in contrast to what was there it looked like a beautiful shade of baby blue. Fortunately for me that was nice since I love blue. As more and more goes up and you see less of the old paint it is a light gray and will be just fine! We have a crew of Iraqi Nationals who are doing the painting. That is an interesting opportunity to work with them. We also have two soldiers who guard them so all is well. I will say they don't believe in working long hours and they expect many breaks so we are lucky to get two hours work out of them during their three to four hour time with us! They are very short on supplies here on base so you have to be a bit creative to get the work done!

It will be great when finished. We are anxious to get our offices set up and the rest of the center. We still have phone lines to run and Internet lines to drop so we are a ways from the finish line but we at least can see where we are going.

The United Through Reading is going well! Books are starting to come which helps so very much. Thank you all who are sending them. I will try to get some pictures of the set up and some of our troops reading. It is such an inspiring program and something that really means so much to our troops.

I had one soldier come Friday, grinning from ear to ear as his wife had given birth to a beautiful baby boy. He was so proud. Of course I wanted pictures and all he had was on his computer. He took my thumb drive and put them on there so I could see the baby. Beautiful! Beautiful! That night I made a couple copies and brought them to him Saturday so he could expand his bragging rights. Kind of hard to walk around with a laptop all the time to show off pictures. He was thrilled. He read a book to his new son! And, let's see, what did Linda do......cried like a baby!

Another hospital staff person walked by and told me about his new son also! Isn't it amazing the sacrifices these troops are making for us. I can't imagine not getting to be there for the birth of my child and missing it's first couple months of life. It makes me doubly proud and honored to be here and rejoice with our troops in these new arrivals.

Well I need to run. This afternoon we have a memorial service for three that we lost this week. This will be hard but something I want to be apart of. Again so proud and honored to share this time with our troops...even the hard times!

I love you all dearly and miss you!
In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, October 29, 2007

I Have Missed You!

Dear All,

I am sorry that it has been so long since I have written to you! I certainly didn't mean to worry anyone but it has been necessary. Some questions about my blog came up from this end and I needed some time to seek the right counsel. The last thing I would want to do is write anything that caused concern or put any one here at risk. I took a copy of my blog to the JAG office for them to look over and advise. They did not have much to say and did not feel a need to read it. I have one other direction I need to go for the appropriate counsel and I will do that hopefully tomorrow.

It was very painful to think that anything I have said hurt someone! I will seek out the information and any training I need on security things and then continue from there. It may become necessary to password protect this but I will hopefully be able to do that where you are all able to have that password. That would just make it where someone just searching the Internet would not be able to open the blog.

It has been a busy week. The pool here is closing so this weekend we had a Luau and BYOGC (bring your own guitar - contest. We had close to 700 come out for the event and that did not include the many who helped. We had hamburgers and hot dogs provided by MWR, favored slushies and lots of fun games and prizes. This was pulled off in less than two weeks but fell into place and was a wonderful day of fun. For me just watching our troops laugh and play and have a great time was a joy. We had 8 bring their guitars and play for all. We had everything from country, Leonard Skinner(you'd loved it Rhenda), Zeppelin and some of the troops own originals. Amazing the talent here on this base.

We had some very distinguished guests come and spend the afternoon with us. The Base Commander and his chief of staff came and we put them to work as our judges for the guitar competition. The AF TSGT that won did a incredible version of Zeppelins, Star Spangle Banner. Fun was had by all! We will probably do it again for opening day of the pool.

We have several events we are helping with for Halloween. A Fun Run, and a Karaoke Contest. We will also pass out at the DFAC some candy bags we have put together. Good times with some America's finest and best heroes!

I continue to do what I can at the hospital. I have ask Johnny if I came stay a little longer after my USO commitment and be a Candy Striper here at the hospital! (I do hope I spelled that right please forgive if I did not) I just love helping here and find it so rewarding!

Friday was another wonderful day with the United Through Reading Program. I was low on books but even still filmed sixteen troops. IT is just so great. I will ask one of them this week if I can put their picture on here for you to see the set up. Maybe I will just read you all a book. HMMMM! Can I put video's on here? I will check!

I enjoyed church again on Sunday and find it to be such a blessing to worship with our troops. The three young men who sat in front of me this week I had met the day before and visited with them at lunch! They were finishing up their time here and will head home before the week is over. They were so cute and fun to be with. They always ask who is there for the first time and always ask those who are leaving that week to go home. That for me is always such a praise to know they are going home to their families. An answer to the prayers of so many of you who pray so faithfully for our troops!

Thank you to so many of you who have offered to send books for the children's UTR. That is a huge praise! All are greatly appreciated. Mary, yours came today and the timing could not be better. I was so low and was concerned about Friday and having some that the troops would want to read! Thank you, thank you! They are perfect!

To each of you thank you for your support and for your prayers. This is truly the most amazing journeys I have ever been on and I wish so much you were here to share it with me. I know through your prayers, emails, cards and carefully prepared care packages you are here with me and you walk with me every day. Last night after a long day with the Luau and all I came to check my email here at the hospital but found I was to tired to response to most of them so I headed back to my room. It was a beautiful night with a big almost full moon and the emotions ran deep as I looked up to see God's beautiful creation. I couldn't help but think how all of God's creation shouts his glory! What comfort to know that those I love could look up and see the same and to pray for those who see God's creation yet know him not!

I love you all so much and am so grateful for your support! I will keep you in the loop on the blog situations. Pray that God keeps these doors of communication open if that is his will and that it will be pleasing to him.

In His Mighty Grip,

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Quiet Day

Dear All,

I am having a quiet day here. I did go to the post office to mail all my UTR packages. That always feels good to know those are on there way. I did a few errands then cleaned my room and did my ironing! WooHoo!! It was nice though and gets me all ready for another week.

I think I am a little homesick today thinking of my family all out in California. Oh how I would love to be with them. I know they will have a great time. I talked to them yesterday and they were having lunch by the ocean. NICE! I have the sand but no ocean!!!

We had a little discouraging news about the center. We may not get the building that they thought they had for us. We will know more on Monday! The hurry up and wait is not fun but then I guess that is the life of the military.

I just wanted to say hi! Jan Dunn is that you who left the comment! Girl how are you doing! Email me! I'd love to hear what all is going on in your life!

I love you all dearly,
In His Mighty Grip,

Friday, October 19, 2007

If It's Friday It Must Be United Through Reading

Dear All,

It was another great day here at the hospital with United Through Reading. I filmed twice as many as last week and got to know that many more of our wonderful troops. They are all so appreciative. The troops here at the hospital work 12 -15 hour days and are not able to leave during that time. They are so grateful to have this program here and it is so much fun talking to them. What fun!

BUT.....I need books, books, books! Any new children's book would be appreciated. There are two sizes of flat rate boxes and you can load those things full and the shipping is the same. I believe it is $8.95.

I could hear one airman in there singing to his children. You can just imagine I was crying like a baby. Some of these soldiers are very shy but turn them loose with a camcorder and alone in a room to talk to their children and it is so precious. I love it, love it, love it!!!!

I filmed 14 DVDs and that represented 31 children. Isn't that cool to think that 31 precious little ones will go to bed with a smile on their face here in about a week or so. I had many ask if I would be getting any Christmas or Chanukah books. I told them I would see what I can do!

It is late and I am exhausted so I am going to head to bed. I just was excited about my afternoon and evening with the UTR and wanted to tell you about it.

My family is all out in California. They are running in the Mud Run at Camp Pendleton. I am so proud of them and would love to be with them. Both Grandmas went out with Johnny to cheer them all on. They will all have a blast. Go Robinson Family!!!!

I love you and miss you all greatly.
In His Mighty Grip,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's Getting Closer

Dear All,

We are getting closer and closer to securing a building for the center and we are thrilled. I continue to volunteer at the hospital as much as I can and it is so rewarding. I love going to the DFAC/Dining Facility not necessarily because of the food but because that is soldier time. It is always so fun to see where and who God sits me next to.

Keep in mind that this base has thirty thousand troops. The young man I had lunch with on Friday, I have run into him three times now! I emailed Gary Smalley as his material had been so helpful to Johnny and I some years ago when we were struggling. He emailed me back and is sending some of his materials. I am thrilled and thrilled to share it with this young soldier. I am not quite sure how else I will do it but there is a huge need here to share this material here on base.

Day before yesterday I was woken up early by an explosion. I looked out and back by the hospital there was a big mushroom cloud of smoke. For a moment I thought the hospital had been hit. The warnings did not go off so I knew it was not inside the wire. I headed out to take my shower and I no more got out my door and a step or two away and the sirens went off saying Incoming, Incoming! I darted back in my room and took cover. Very shortly they said All Clear, All clear! It is just so odd and still seems so unreal that this happens. It wasn't until that afternoon that we found out that it was a car bomb outside the wire but with in haering range. None of our troops were injured!

That afternoon while at the hospital one of the Dr. ask if I wanted to help with some Iraqi toddlers that were in the ward. Of course I was thrilled so once I finished up some USO meetings I came back here and babysat. What fun! Who would ever think all those BSF finger plays would be used here in Iraq. The two year old was actually ready to be discharge but did not have any place to go as mom was here also. The five year nephew and fourteen year old niece were here as well. The mom was hurt more serious. A mom is a mom in any country and I loved watching her try to love and nurture her son. We played with balloons and balls and it was such a sweet time for me. I came back the next day to help feed the little one lunch. Tonight I watch the family all be placed on a helicopter and taken back to their home town where the rest of there family is. There will be those there who care for the little one as mom remains in the hospital there.

Yesterday afternoon I was here at the hospital checking email and the sirens went off and it was a code red. Code Red means that somewhere on base there was a direct mortar hit. We all hit the ground and took cover. Fortunately for me I was here inside but Angela had just left to go run an errand so she had the joy of sitting out in a bunker for 15 minutes or so. There was a group of Generals from the states here tour the facilities so she spent that time in the bunker with them. Once the All Clear is up everyone has to report to their unit for accountability. Quite a little process. I must say that through all this I still have never felt as though I was in danger or my life threaten in any way. I feel very safe here!

Kevin, our regional supervisor is here and we spent the morning with the Mayor working on the building and then the afternoon, Shari, Angela and I making a plan for the rooms and the things we need and prioritizing the needs. We are pretty excited about what looks like it will be our new home. We finished up around 16:30 and they were exhausted and jet lagged so we all went our ways.

Me, of course came here to the hospital. AS I walked in the door different ones kept saying you have a truck for all your mail. Well I needed one. Between Angela and myself we had received 19 boxes today. Whew! I left and walked over and got the car from Angela and came back to load up all the boxes. 11 of the boxes were mind. WOW! Thank you Laurie! What fun!

Before I left I came by the computer room to check my email and weirdly enough I was the only one in here. I stuck my head out and ask if something had happened because that is really strange to have no one in here. They said that a trauma code x5 (meaning 5 injuried) had been issued and all went back to help. I knew that would be busy so I went back to see if I was needed and was immediately taken to a helicopter to help. This time it hit hard and touched my heart. It was the first time I brought in one of our wounded troops! There were several and emotionally I was not prepared for what I would feel and yet all I could think about is how glad I was to be there making eye contact with the soldier and reassuring him all the way that he was safe now and in good hands. As you take them out of the choppers you walk through this tent tunnel called Heroes Highway before you enter the Er. The whole ceiling of this tunnel is one huge, I mean huge American flag. That is what our heroes see from the stretcher looking up.

I went back to my room and had a good cry and thanked God I was here to help! It is an amazing thing watching everyone go into action and care for our wounded. After opening my boxes....and that was fun...I came back to the hospital and helped at the pad a couple more hours. I just love it!

I am waiting now for my nurse friend who is finishing up in the Operating Room so we can walk back to our rooms together. It has been a good, great couple of days full of so many new experiences and divine appointments! I am continuously surprised by joy as I serve here and see the hand of God in my life and in the surroundings he has placed me.

You are all the best and your support and encouragement means the world. Continue to support our military guys and girls as I stand amazed at their sacrifices for our country.

I love you and miss you greatly!
In His Mighty Grip,

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blessed Again

Dear All,

It is Sunday afternoon and this morning I made my way to one of the church services here on base. It was out in the Tuskegee Airman's building where I attended the Change of Command Ceremony when I first got here. Once again it was one of those divine appointments that keep you encouraged and moving forward. What fun to see Colonel's, and Majors and Privates together worshiping our Lord. God made us to worship him and part of his plan is that we do so corporately!I was certainly blessed by my time there.

The Mayor of Balad who has been such a help with the USO leads the music. I was blessed again and again and reminded that God was going to take care of all my needs and even needs I didn't know I had as I serve him here.

Kevin will return tomorrow and hopefully we will be able to move forward with plans for the center.

I will write more later. I am going to catch up on ironing today. Yes ironing still is a part of my life even here in Iraq.

Each of you have a great day and again thank you for you support and encouragement!
In His Mighty Grip,

Saturday, October 13, 2007

It's been a Month!

Dear All,

Hard to believe I left Texas a month ago. Time has flown. I woke up yesterday a bit overwhelmed and anxious. We have been here almost four weeks and it didn't feel like we were any closer to having a center than the day we arrived. Before the day was over that all melted away as I saw God open doors and give me opportunities with our troops to talk and encourage and just be there that made me glad for the extra time I have right now!

I went to lunch and sat next to a young man who was getting ready to head home on R&R and will meet his family in Dallas. Well of course that excited me to think he will see all your glorious faces when he arrives. Knowing the honor that is ahead of him thrilled my heart. I was able to give him the correct information for his family. AS we were visiting another young man sat down. I have found most do not initiate conversation. I never know if they want to talk or be left alone so I am careful as I engage with them.

This young man readily talked but seemed so down. The first soldier left and the other ask me how I made my marriage last 33 years. We talked and he shared that he needed help. His wife had announced the day before he left that she did not love him anymore. He is broken hearted as he said he thought he had everything the world had to offer in his wife and 15 month old son. He is trying so hard and doing everything he can to talk to her and begin to rekindle things. Before it was over he ask if I could meet with him occasionally to help him talk through some things. Of course that was right down my alley. His chaplain is letting us use his office. What a wonderful opportunity. I will certainly find time for that!

I left there emotional and so grateful for that little divine appointment. I came to the hospital toting all my Uniting Through Reading stuff and sat up the room. It was to start at 4 but by 3:15 I had a darling LtCol there ready to read. He was the sweet daddy I heard that evening in the computer room talking to his children, his little princess. From then until almost nine that night I had a steady flow of men and women there to read books to their children. What a blessing! Sherri Allen, you better hang on tight to you UTR position because girlfriend I'll be all about that when I get back. That was so fun!

For those of you who are not familiar with United Through Reading. it is a program that the USO has partnered with the Family Literacy Foundation to connect families through reading. I have new children's books that I set out. The troops pick out a book and I do a DVD of them reading the book to their child. Then we send the book and the DVD to the child. Many of the troops told their children all about their uniform and the stuff on it and the Helicopter Pad soldier started out with his headphones on and eye protection. It was all so cute and I had a blast talking to them or in my case crying with them. A couple had to start over as they got so emotional. What a precious program. I will be here every Friday to record them.

We had a big encouragement on our center today and so hopefully I will have good news for you soon.

To all of you, thank you for your support and encouragement. It means the world. It is amazing to me how every time I get a Little discouraged God opens an unexpected door that gives me even greater purpose and enthusiasm to be here. He is good!

I love and miss you all so much!
In His Mighty Grip,

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reality of War

Dear All,

I have so much I want to share tonight! It has been a busy couple of days. I have been meeting with different ones to get places to film the United Through Reading Program. It has gone really well and I will actually start taping some tomorrow! I am starting here at the hospital first and then have several units that I will go to and the PAX Terminal. It will be great to begin to get more involved with the troops! Boy do I wish Sherri was here! It will be slow as I only have one camera. I will ask headquarters if I can have another. Many of the MWR's have similar programs but none of which actually send the books and the troops have to send the DVD's themselves, so the troops are thrilled and can't believe there is no cost!

I thought of something you moms will be interested to here. At each of the DFAC/Dining Facilities as you go in the first room you go to is lined with sinks. You are required to wash your hands. Pretty good don't you think!The food is okay but not home and very high in carbs!

My room is in a pod of trailers. Two trailer face each other and each trailer has three rooms. In the A pod where I am there are around a hundred rooms. The trailers are all close together and since the base runs twenty four seven there are people sleeping day and night. I have not learned exactly the hours of all those around me but there are some who sleep during the day. When I am in my room I live in silence so I won't wake those who are sleeping. The walls are very thin. I moved my bed to the other side of the room so the air conditioner didn't blow right on me and the first night I did it I was startled when the gentleman in the room next to me coughed. His bed must be against the same wall as mine and I thought someone was in the room.

This morning I had a very early, 6:30 a.m. meeting, when I got back in my room I listen to my Selah music on my Ipod and it made me think of the movie The Hiding Place. There was a scene in there where all the people in the concentration camp gathered and sang in total silence Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. It was so moving and a powerful display of worship. I have thought of that so many times lately as I sing at the top of my lungs in absolute silence. This morning my heart was full and it was such a sweet time of worship. I was so tired but full of enthusiasm and excitement for the work that is ahead.

Why such excitement.....Last night I stayed at the hospital and was trained and worked at the helicopter pad where they bring the wounded in. Oh my...what an awesome experience. No sooner had they showed me how it all worked and four helo came in with wounded and to work I went. What precious cargo to lift out of the helicopters. They have it down and the process is amazing. During the four hours I was here eight helicopters came in. One that came in was a detainee! IT is amazing to me to watch the Medical staff slip into action. They are all about saving lives. Troops or detainees or insurgents or innocent Iraqi women and children all are cared for with the most incredible care and respect.

I saw a big area of need. On the helicopters were ambulatory and non ambulatory troops. Some have not been wounded but are sick and needing some kind of medical care. They bring them off the helicopters and they wait in a room that is about 15 by 12. It desperately needs a touch of love and medical staff would love that but need help. They desperately need a flat screen TV. What they have is old and small! I watched them eat the peppermint candy that was there so this evening I brought over the candy that Laurie sent me. They were thrilled. They would like two big bulletin boards. One for notes that people send from the States and the other for notes from the troops! The staff does over and above to try an make these troops comfortable. I loved so much being there and helping and hope to do so regularly. Until the center opens I will have a little more time and can help but I hope even after the center opens to be able to help at least one night a week. I plan to renew my CPR certification so I can help in other areas.

Well I have got to get to bed! It has been a long day and tomorrow I will be busy with United Through Reading will travel.

Thank you so much for your support! I love so much receiving your emails and hearing what is going on there. I may not email you right back but it is great to hear! I have a new found appreciation for emails, cards and care packages. It is just a touch of home. It really doesn't matter what they say or what is in the boxes it is that someone cares and loves and supports you. So never grow weary sending our troops cards and care packages. I guarantee it means the world to them. Donna you are doing a great thing with Defenders OF Freedom. You will probably not know this side of glory what a powerful impact you are having and the difference you are making. Press on my dear friend!

A friend gave me a card before I left Texas and it speaks my heart today. Too many of us live life thinking we are making no difference in this world. You may feel you are just one person in this world but keep doing what your heart is passionate about because you may be the world to just one person. I find that to be so true. Serve each other just one person at a time. I sat with a soldier today at breakfast and our lives could not have been any more different. He was so intrigued that I had been married 33 years and was happy about that. We had a great talk and when I left he said to me "thanks for being nice to me, most good people like you don't really want to talk to me." I will probably never see that young man again. He was headed out today for a different camp up north but I was so glad I had that few minutes with him and to let him know how proud I was of him and for his sacrifice to our country.

Again, I love each of you dearly and miss you so much!
In His Mighty Grip,

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Making Progress!

Dear All,

It has been a busy couple of days! We have had Kevin and Charlotte from Dubai and Shari from Qatar here. We have met with many as we move forward getting this center up and running. I think we are very close to having a plan and action to follow! I can't wait!

Now for all you Poison fans...yes Bret Michael's was here! What fun it was watching the troops have SO much fun. We met him when he arrived here at the DV quarters and got pictures. The concert was great! Many of his songs and many just oldies that we love. The concert was in the theater and it was rockin. Nothing like watching the troops dance and rock out with their M16 strapped across their shoulder. They all really enjoyed themselves. They had the USO people come up front so I was right there in touching distance. We visited with this one married couple and were able to get them up front also. She was a huge fan and had made this big poster and everything. It was delightful to me to watch her husband work hard to get her the best seat in the house and how thrilled he was that she was having such a good time. About half way through I went back stage and stood on the stage where I could watch the troops. You all know me...I was just a crying as I watched them have so much fun! Just can't believe I am here! Standing there it was hard to believe there was a war going on right outside this area and thrilling to think these troops had a moment away from it all. A much needed thing for them.

IT has been overcast the past three days. I wasn't sure if it was overcast or so much dust in the air it looked overcast. At times there is so much dust in the air that it feels hard to breath. The temperature is dropping. Yesterday got only up to 95, which actually feels cool. The mornings and evenings are wonderful and so pleasant to be out in. We are stepping into a new season that I was not really aware started this soon. The Rainy season! Yes Rain! Picture that! It rained day before yesterday, not much but I understand it will pick up here soon. It rained only enough to stir the dust up more. Imagine that! The sand is so fine that it makes a paste and they say it goes everywhere and I will be dust it off of everything. Now that gets me excited!

I am getting to know some people that live around me which makes it so nice and certainly I feel much more at ease in my environment. Last night when I got back to the room the electricity was out and three of my neighbors were sitting outside. We sat out for quite a while until the electricity came back on. Two of my neighbors are interpreters at the hospital and they are fascinating. Noz has been here almost four years and has so many stories to tell. IT was interesting last night hearing what it was like in the beginning of the war. Mom, you would not have wanted me here then! There were not the fences and barriers that protect us now! HE said you could watch the bad guys. They didn't have the missiles and things that they have now but would through whatever they could at the troops and people here!

We have another walk through with the Air Force Engineers here in an hour and maybe after that we will have the answers we need and can start to move forward.

I am excited as I will start the United Through Reading this week even if I have to record they out of the back of my car. We should be able to do some here at the hospital and hopefully in several locations here on base. I will talk to some of the different commanders tomorrow and get that all going. Yeah.....time with the troops!

Well I need to go get ready for the next meeting! I love you all dearly and miss you so much!

In His Mighty Grip,

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Rest of Dubai

Dear All,

The rest of my time in Dubai was busy, busy and full of new adventures. We worked all day Sunday and half of Monday at the USO in Dubai. That USO there was nothing I had ever seen before. It is out in the docking area in the bay and is kind of a big open area with all sorts of vendors and fast food places. The USO had a main office building, a phone building, a TV lounge/library building, Kasbar or Internet/Media/Gaming Building and a large laundry facility building. They all kind of open on to a large courtyard area that has a big awning with lots and lots of tables and chairs. When the ship come in they arrange with the USO to have all these things available to them. The ship also connect with a vendor and beer is sold also to the troops. (USO has no part of that)

On a normal time the troops come in and are there for a couple of days for R&R and the troops arrange through the USO tours and things like the sand safari that We went on. The can even arrange hotels if they want to stay in town. Because of Ramadan the city is close for all that. No eating, drinking, smoking,at all from sun up to sundown. Things like live entertainment and all sorts of other stuff are not permitted at all. There was a DJ [laying music and keeping the crowd going. So for this visit the troops were contained within the USO picture 4,000 plus marines (that are heading home from there tour in Iraq) and Navy troops who have been out on these ships for months, all in this area letting their hair down. Of course you can imagine where they all went first. The beer area! By midnight you can just imagine the shape of the majority of the troops. Unbelievable!

We worked long and hard that day and were back at the USO by 8 the next morning. The troops had to be back on the ship by noon. The morning was much, much quieter. Lots doing laundry and buying souvenirs to take home. Many in the phone building. There are 100 cell phones for the troops to use! IT is quite an operation.

We have a little more training that afternoon then that evening were taken out to this wonderful hotel on the bay for a luau. A luau in Dubai....interesting! It was quite fun and fun for all of us to just let our hair done and enjoy. Many of the Dubai staff had their wife and babies and that was fun.

We were back at the hotel by 11 and I enjoyed my nice big bathtub one more time. Oh the things we miss being away from home. The next morning we did not have to be at the airport until 2:30 so we had the morning. There was a mini mall there in the hotel and I found a salon and got my hair cut. That felt great and who know how long it will be before I get that opportunity again.

We got back into Kuwait around 6 in the evening and Angela, myself, Kevin our VP of our region, Charlotte his assistant and Shari another staff personnel went to the PAX terminal to begin working on getting a flight back into Iraq. Angela and I were Space Blocked on a flight first thing in the morning. We were to report at o500. As it goes....we ended up staying there all night. We did go over to the USO for a little bit to do a few things but for the most part we were in the PAX terminal with all the other troops trying to get out. We ended up boarding our C130 at 8 am. IT was a good flight. My name was called before the ones with me so I sat with a unit of troops headed into Iraq for their third tour in since the war. They were so fun and it was a great ride in. I was able to give them phone cards, tell them about the USO and give them information. I was able to get just a couple of pictures. They have to be taken very discretely. I am not sure is it is forbidden or permitted so I take with real caution and ask all around if they are okay with me taking it.

Back in Iraq, I knew I have come along way as I felt like I was coming home as I walked into my little room. We were exhausted after days of a busy full schedule and being up all night. We slept a couple hours them met for dinner. I came here to do a little emailing and will head to bed early. Oh by the way...the time here changed while we were gone. We don't know why and many don't even know. It is an hour earlier. I am now 8 hours ahead of you.

I had care packages and cards here in the mail when I got here and that was so fun. Thanks Laurie and Vicki and of course my Johnny, who has had a card for me in the mail almost everyday. I have them on my wall in my room.

I love you all and miss you greatly. This will be a big week getting things narrowed down for where exactly the center will be located here. Hopefully in the next couple of days we can really have a plan of action and maybe even a target date for opening. I can't wait. I the meantime I shake a lot of hands and thank a lot of troops and connect with them with whatever time I have. They are all so amazing and making such huge sacrifices for you and me!

Thank you for your support of our troops and for supporting me in this adventure!
In His Mighty Grip,

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Exciting Adventures in Dubai

Dear All,
We didn't get out of Balad until Thursday. Our manifest time was 12:30 pm which didn't finish up until 2. Angela's husband was with her so right after manifest she took off to take him back to his side of base. She had no longer left and they called for us to take our luggage out to the pallets. I got both of our suitcases there and went in to the computer room there to sent and email. When I came back 15 minutes later all the people from our flight were gone. I asked and they said they had boarded the plane. They couldn't run me out to the plane because my flack jacket and helmet were in the car. I paced outside and Angela got there around 3:15. We ran in and they ran us out to the plane that was waiting for us. They took Angela up to sit with the pilots and I was put on the back of the plane with the luggage pallet up against my shoulder. Oh to be young and cute ..... and get to sit with the pilots.

There were some Iraqi workers on the flight and one got sick...that was a long hour and a half flight. Once in Kuwait we missed the bus to the airport by about 10 minutes so we had to wait a couple hours for the next one. That turned out to be fun for me. One I got to call Johnny (my cell phone works there) and John Micah and that was fun. But what where we waited was where the R&R troops are briefed, pick up there SATO itineraries and wait to board there plane. I wanted so bad to take the mic from the Sgt that was briefing them and tell that you all would be waiting for them to greet them in Dallas. I visited with one who was headed home for the birth of his fourth child. A little girl who has three older brothers. I loved seeing that whole process. It is unbelieveable what all the troops go through to get home. It is no easy task. I did go talk to the Commander of the unit who remembered me from Dallas. Great news....when i do take R&R I will be able to come on the R&R flight. That tickled me to pieces.

Our bus ride into Dubai was unreal WHEW!!!!! We had an escort car and I couldn't figure out why so once we arrived at the airport I asked the Sgt that brought us there. The escort car was our protection. In case of hijacking or anything they are armed. Well no one told me I needed to worry about that! All was good and I had a great visit with a Delta Force soldier on the way in. Fascinating!
We stayed in a hotel and left out with ten other USO staff people from the Kuwait USO early the next morning. That was a commeriacl flight and very nice at that. It is about and hour and a half flight from Kuwait to Dubai.

We checked in our hotel and I called Maureen's friend Melanie. Well I tried to call but coldn't figure out how to dial the number. Finally we met up and she took me all over Dubai sightseeing and shopping. She was absolutely wonderful. While I was with her Maureen called and the tears just started to flow. A voice from home. It was a great day and a touch of home being with someone who know Maureen. I just picked up food and ate in my room. I was tired.

Saturday we all met, probably about 30 USO staff people from all the Southwest Asia USO's and were in training all day. At four they took us out on a Sand Safari. What fun was that!!! Oh my goodness! There are six to a car and we went up and down the sand dunes. The car is sliding everywhere and spraying sand up like it were water. Fun, fun, fun! We stopped several times to take pictures! We did that for about 45 minutes then they took us to this secluded area for dinner. It was like a little vilage. I rode a camel! I am surprised you couldn't hear me squealing there! They also had sandboarding down the cliffs and four wheeling. Most of us got Henna tatoos! (Don't worry mom it wears off in about 10 days) There was a man there making these sand art in bottles. Incredible to watch. He did one for me with a camel and my name in it. The music was cranked up and they cooked our dinner out there. Because of Ramadon(and i am sure I spelled that wrong) we could not have live misic or belly dancers so I will have to come back to see that. All and all it was such a fun evening. I laughed and did and saw things I never dreamed in my life I would see. If was fun to just enjoy the USO staff and get to know them a little better.
I hope a have a minute before I leave here to download pictures and try to figure out how to put them on here.

I am excited about tomorrow. We are going early in the morning to the USO Dubai which is out on the wharf (I understand) to work. There are three ships coming in with close to 5,000 Marines. Now that excites me! They say we won't get back till very late so it may be Monday before I can write you about it. It should be so fun!
I have got to get to bed. I am exhausted. I love you all dearly and wish so much you could be here experiencing this with me!

In His Mighty Grip,

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Going On A Field Trip

Dear All,

It has been a busy couple of days and many possible changes. At this point we are not real sure where the USO Center is going to be. We will continue to work on that and maybe by the time we get back from our little field trip we will have some answers.

We are headed to the airport here around 11:30 to see when we can get a flight out to Kuwait. The one they have us on right now makes three stops all over Iraq and we would rather not do that if we don't have to. Really don't want to see Iraq from the back of a C130. Hopefully they will have something else.

We will go from Kuwait to Dubai and will be there until the second. We won't know what to do in a fancy hotel with a bathroom in my room. It will be great to meet the rest of the Directors and Program Managers from all the South West Region. I am looking forward to the training.

AS for Balad. The weather in the mornings and evenings is wonderful. I don't have my temperature gage thing up yet but I would say it is in the mid 80's and then jumps up over hundred in the afternoons. It is so dusty that it is unbelievable. I was over at the IT building and saw them open up the side of a computer and sand just fell out of it. It is a very fine powdery sand. Everything is covered with it. All the trees and buildings and cars...everything is covered with sand.

We had a meeting with the Mayor of Balad Monday. He was funny. There are signs everywhere that said don't do this or that by the order of the mayor. He was funny pointing those out as he did exactly what the signs said not to do. He is helping us look for the appropriate building for the USO Center. He is also trying to get us wet trailers. Wouldn't that be cool....a bathroom in my room shared with the person next door. Who would think I would think that as a luxury!

I do not have Internet in my room and probably won't as it is $3000 for the dish and $500 a month to maintain it. That is a little out of my price range. I can't hook my laptop up here at the hospital as these are military lines and I did not have my computer imagined. They say it is not good to do that so that has made it a little hard to communicate. I did finely get to download my pictures and am going to try and add some on here tonight. We shall see. Well I just tried and it appears that I can't do it from these computers. I should be able to email from my computer in Dubai and will add pictures then.

I am doing to get to work one day in Dubai at the USO, which is the USO that Maureen Foley worked at for a long time. I am also going to get to met her friend Melanie. I am excited about that. Almost feels like family!

Well no big news just another day with troops, troops, troops! I love it and love this opportunity to serve our heroes.

I love each of you and miss you greatly.
In His Mighty Grip,

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Moving Forward

Dear all,

IT has been busy with our USO people here. We have gone from one meeting to the next brain storming this that and the other and working hard to finalize our plans and begin to get this center up and running. We will have a United Through Reading Program and we will need books, books, books! I am thrilled. Sherri, I NEED you!

Balad is like a little city. Picture a rectangle that is about 4 miles by five miles. All around the preimeter is a tall, tall chain link fence with the big round sharp wire around the top. I never leave the interior area of the base. I will never see out side the walls or wire. It is like a little city. The car rental place and airport where I picked our USO people up is all right here within the wires. For the most part all the streets at paved. It is very hard to figure out what is what as all the building have ten to twelve foot concrete barriers around them. They are about six feet away from the buildings. The openings are covered by another overlapping barrier they comes out another four feet. So kind of piture a bit of a maze to get to any building. No big signs announcing what the building is and very little lighting at night. Safety you know!

Okay every one, I am sitting here writing you and the gentleman next to me is on the computer on the phone talking to his daughter. He is talking to his little princess and I am crying like a baby. It is so precious! The sacrifices our troops are making is amazing and I can't thank them enough. This conversation I am hearing makes be so proud of our troops and proud of their families at home that support them.

Back to Balad. We are in trailers. Each trailer is divided into three rooms. Some have two to a room and some just one. I am fortunate to have one to myself. I am slowly meeting my neighbors and they all seem very nice. Everyones hours are different so you rarely see anybody. Women are not to be alone outside after dark without an escort. Hence the slop bucket. It is even un-nerving to open your door at night as the doors open to the outside and so you can't just crack the door and look out, the whole thing has to be opened in order to see. For me, if they don't identify them self, I don't open. There is a porta potty right outside the maze of my trailer but I don't do there either after dark. I admit it I am chicken, to go out after dark to get to the porta potty and go through the maze is a little scary for me. And I am not a big fan of porta potties anyway!

Lt Ramirez is incharge of the heliopad and has invited me to come and spend some time out there. I can't wait! That is where they bring in the wounded and also where they out process the troops that they are transfering either back home or to there units after being here in the hospital. He says there is a big, big need for assistant there and he would love the USO to be a part. You can just imagine how much I want to help there. Those wounded troops coming in need a mother and certainly the ones going back out need a mother to love up on them.

One more thing...girls you will hate me but I did not get Hard Body pictures. Being a judge was way more serious and important than I thought or knew about. I mean I had to learn the poses and count how many they did and there was not time for pictures. After is was over they all took off and I didn't get a one. They are having another in December and I will plan on getting pictures then.

I love you and miss you and appreciate so much your support.
In His Mighty Grip,

Friday, September 21, 2007

Quiet Day

Dear all,

It was a quieter day here. We did some errands and worked here at the hospital doing just some general cleaning and assessing. We did drive to the east side of the base to the MWR (Morale Welfare and Recreation). They have the gyms and stuff like that for the troops. We work very hand and hand with them. In fact, they are having a Hard Body competition tomorrow night and Angela and I are judges for the event. The man in charge ask if I knew anything about hard body competitions and I told him that I knew the difference between a hard body and a soft body and he said that was perfect you got the job. Won't that look nice on my resume.

Our supervision and his boss are coming in tonight and we are thrilled. It was very last minute and it will be good to have them here to talk through some center decisions and issues. They don't get in until 1:45 in the morning. Angela and I will go together to pick them up. Anything after dark we do in pairs.

Oh by the way, for those of you who heard that the bathrooms might be co-ed, they are not! Now the first night I went down to shower and got all ready and decide to go to the toilet first and could not find the toilets....they are in a different trailer next door. You really have to plan ahead to take care of all those bodily functions out here. Never fear, my mom wins on the first care package here and guess what she sent me....a slop bucket so I won't leave my room at night! I love you mom and thank you. You are always so creative!

Yesterday morning I counted my steps to the bathrooms. It is 487 steps to the bathroom and that is not on a nice side walk but rather gravel and sand and big holes here and there. Many have ask about the food.....hmmmm!!!!! much different than I am use to. Very starchy, or fried and certainly not seasoned like I like home. I am craving a simple good grilled piece of chicken and a good salad. They do have a salad bar but then there is this packaged dressing to put on it....hmm!!! This is one trip that it won't be about the food!

Well, I have to run. Going to try and get a little sleep before going to the airport to pick up my boss.

I love you all dearly and appreciate so much your support.

In His Mighty Grip,

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Changing of Command

Dear All,

Another amazing day here! We ran some errands this morning, rented a car and met up with Angela's husband. We had a meeting with a Col who is going to be a hug help to us! He is trying to set up another meeting with several significant people here to help us get things going.

We have a meeting in the morning early with the staff here to get a better feel for what their expectations are for us. This will not be in any way shape or form a traditional USO. We are trying to figure out what we need to do and how to best expedite that.

This afternoon while Angela spent some time with he husband I came back to the hospital to work a little bit. I was returning some email and they announced over the intercom that the bus was leaving to take those who wanted to go and see the "Changing of Command" ceremony. I thought why not so I picked up my stuff and headed on out. It was out in this hanger name Tuskegee Army Airfield. This was the changing of command for the Tuskegee airman 332nd Expeditionary Medical Group Squadron. They started with a welcome then the National Anthem and I started crying and did not stop through the whole thing. It was just so special being there and witnessing and hearing the stories of what these troops had experienced in the past five months. They have had a 98% survival rate. I got to meet and talk to the General Fields and many of his staff. That is who we are working with at the hospital. Once again I was just so proud and honored to be there and be apart of honoring those who are giving so much!

I don't have my is over at the Information Technology lab being imagined and made ready for me to use on base. Security you know! Hopefully I will get it tomorrow and can download the pictures I have taken and start posting them on here for you.

Tomorrow we will begin to start the makeover of the space we have here and sketch out what we need and want. Our first task will be to find furniture and a way to get it here. We are looking for comfortable chairs/recliner type and sofas. We are going to have built dividers for the computers and booths for the phones.

Time to get this done.
I love you all and thank you for your support.

In His Mighty Grip,

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Balad, Iraq

Dear All,

Hard to believe that I am in Balad, Iraq. What an adventure getting here. We started at 4:00 am Monday morning trying to get a flight out to here. We got bumped from the one we were blocked on. We were bumped from all the flights that day. Long day sitting in a big room with a couple hundred other soldiers and contractor who were trying to do the same as us. Some were coming back from R&R and others were units going over for the first time. At one point a young man came up to me and said "I see you got the job in Iraq" he had been through on R&R back in June and had talked to me in my office. That was fun.

We finally got a flight out on Tuesday at 1500. What an adventure that was. We had to meet for a briefing and have all our gear. Of course we had lots of gear as we were going for a full year and it was our first time. So picture me, two BIG suitcases, one carry-on size suitcase, a big back pack, my flack jacket and helmet and it was 112 degrees.

We meet Col Russ who befriended us and helped us get our jacket and helmets on right and made sure they were tighten right. He coached us through the process and I will be forever grateful for his help and encouragement. They marched us out to where we put our bags on pallets and then packed us on buses. The buses have curtain so you can't see out and no one see in. Security!!!! We drove out to the air field. As we pulled up and got off the bus I see troops coming out of the back of a C1-30. As soon as they were off we all marched on. It was everything and more that I could imagine. We are in rows length wise. No windows except for a couple rounds ones that were up real high. Fortunately we were not full so we did not have to be side by side crammed in there. We strapped in and put our ear plugs in and fairly quickly the big huge ramp or the rear part of the plane closed shut. The take off was quick and straight up it seemed like. There was no talking our visiting as you could not hear. The first half of the flight I was so hot that I felt light headed and then it colded off and I froze the last half. It only took and hour and fifteen minutes to get to Balad. Landing.....WOW! We took a hard right then a real had left and whoosh straight down and landed. It was incredible. I was afraid I would get sick but not at all. All I could think about was the hundreds of thousand of troops who have done the same and landed not knowing what they would face or what was ahead of them. I wondered what John Micah was thinking when he landed at his final destination three years ago.

As quickly as they got us on we got off and went inside a big building. We had to watch a briefing on safety there on Balad. It taught us all the different alert sounds and what to do when we hear them. Mr Kelly met us there and helped us with our bags and took us to our sleeping quarters for the night. He then drove us all over to see the base and took us to the hospital where we got our first glimpse of what will eventually be the first USO in Iraq. We have lots to do!

Today we went strong all day. First to the hospital to meet our points of contact there. While I was there a young man named Willowsbe came by and said he came to tell me hi.He was a friend of Mary Margaret from Meet and Greet. That was great. We then got a tour of the hospital even into the OR where we saw a surgery going on. My heart was about to beat out of my chest. We then went to get our housing which is very much like the pictures I had and not a football field away from the bathrooms...but TWO football fields away. I have decide not to bath as by the time I do and get back to my room I will already be dirty again.

We drove around to the other side of the base. The road goes along the fence and at one point right there in eye shot we could see two helicopters involved in a fired fight with something or someone on the ground. So hard to believe a war was happening right outside this fence. At first I thought it was just the reflection coming off the helicopter but then figured out it was gun fire. We knew it was far enough away that there was absolutely no fear for us.

It is so sobering being here at the the hospital. Twice since I have been typing this they called for Emergency room backup and people to the helo pad. I could hardly stand not going back to help as I can hear the helicopters coming in and knowing possibly there were some of our wounded troops on board. I will be able to go to the patient ward and visit with troops and will start doing that when we are settled in.

I can't begin to tell you what we need at this point but will let you know as we figure it out. Thank you for supporting me and these troops.

I love you all,
In His Mighty Grip,

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hi All,

What a busy day! I got to see three of the four military bases here in Kuwait. Hard to imagine my son was here a few years ago. It was a marathon doing everything that needed to be done. I am now the proud holder of a military ID, a lovely flack jacket and helmet and a slight sun burn on the top of my feet!

We were fortunate as the temperature here was down from the usual to .. 113.... There was a slight breeze so it really wasn't that bad. It was fascinating seeing everything. The military bases were colorless and bland but full of troops! Hard for me not to want to greet and thank each one of them. It also made me think of all those family and friends who were at home wondering and worrying about there soldier.

We leave out early in the morning to go in country and possibly won't have computer access for a couple days!

Hopefully when I get set up there I will be able to download my pictures for you!

Thank you for your support and love and keep greeting our troops it means the world to them!

In His Mighty Grip,

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Hi All,

I arrived in Germany. The sendoff in Dallas was overwhelming. Saying goodbye hard but the encouragement and support amazing. As we left the pilot announced that there was a special farewell for Linda Robinson...about that time I looked out the window to see the shower of affection. Tears just would not quit flowing. The people around had no idea what it was but I was so touched by such love and affection. Thank you Dallas for your love to me.

The flight went well. We ate then I wrote for a little bit then laid down across me four seats and slept well for five hours. They served us breakfast and by then it was landing time.

I navigated the Frankfurt Airport easily and am now waiting to meet up with Angela.

All is well and I am a wide eyed wonder taking every little thing in.

Again thank you for supporting and loving me.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Night Before

Dear all,

The past couple of weeks have been fast and furious as I pulled things together to leave. I am not sure I am ready but tomorrow at 3:30 I will board a plane to Frankfurt Germany whether I am ready or not. Winter things have been shipped and my bags are basically packed.

In Germany I will meet up with my co-worker and we will board another flight into Kuwait. We will spend 24 to 48 hours in Kuwait doing some briefings and getting our military ID's. Once those things are accomplihed we will board a military flight into Balad, Iraq or Camp Anaconda.

I will try to update this blog as often as I can but it may take a couple of days once we are in country to establish our emial and things like that!

Thank you for your support and encouragement!

In His Mighty Grip,

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Journey begins early!

Dear all,

This Tuesday after a series of emails with our Regional Director that is in Iraq right now finalizing center plans and Angela the girl I will be working with in Iraq, it was decided that we should move our time up. As of now I will be leaving Friday, September 14. I will fly to Frankfurt, Germany where I will meet up with Angela and we will fly together into Kuwait. Our Regional Director will be there to pick us up. I am not sure at this point how long we will be in Kuwait before departing to Iraq.

So now it is the eleventh hour and I must move fast to prepare myself to go. I will keep you posted.

Thanks for your support and encouagement!
In His Mighty Grip,

Monday, August 13, 2007

Let the Journey Begin

Dear All,

I wanted to write and catch many of you up on the Robinson family!

Johnny continues working at World Wide Flight Services and stays very busy there. He remains in Bible Study Fellowship where the last two years he has served as a Children’s Leader. How fun it has been walking through lesson preparations, story times, getting the story down at an age appropriate level…and endless other challenges as he serves with second graders this year. He has been asked to serve this next year as the Assistant Teaching Leader and it is exciting to see how God has prepared him for that new area of service.

Amy is still in California and is working for Pardee Homes. She does very well with that. She runs in 5k and 7k events and thoroughly enjoys preparing for those. She just completed her fifth year to run in Camp Pendleton’s Mud Run. She beat all her previous times and was thrilled with that.

Alyson lives in McKinney, Texas and works very hard on her little house. It is darling. She works for Fossil. She has an active life with puppy dog, Stella, and finds time to be a Big Sister in the Big Brother Big Sister organization. Alyson also joined Amy at the Mud Run in San Diego.

John Micah is in school at Texas Tech University. He owns a house there and had his ROTC buddies renting rooms all last year. He is still in the National Guard and remains focused on having a military career.

John Micah’s joining the army and deploying to Iraq for a year changed us all forever. It stretched our faith and strengthened our hearts in many new ways. For me it has given me a new love, ministry and passion to serve. During John Micah’s deployment I got involved at Dallas/Fort Worth airport with the Welcome Home a Hero program and also with the USO. The combination of the two was therapeutic for me while John Micah was away. Greeting the troops each day and serving them in the USO made the miles between here and Iraq seem much shorter and gave me a way to give and serve that connected me to John Micah.

For the past three years it has been my joy and honor to serve our military in this way. A year and a half ago I was hired by the USO at DFW airport to do their special events and projects. That has added even greater joy to my life and given me a way to further use my gifts and talents. I now stand with a new opportunity ahead of me that will once again stretch our family and cause us to seek God even more fervently.

I have accepted a job with the USO in Balad, Iraq to go and start the first USO there. I am so honored and proud to be a part of this undertaking. For those of you who don't know me well, going to Iraq to start the first USO has been a dream of mine for two years. Hard to imagine that it is really happening!

At this time I only have the bare details....but they are very exciting! I will leave on September 26th, 2007 with my first stop over in Dubai. I will meet the other two on the team and the Southwest Asia Regional Vice President. Our team of three will do some training there before going into Iraq. I don't know at this time when we will actually be going into Iraq but I will certainly keep you informed.

Our mission in Iraq is to open a USO and provide a place for the troops to come and relax and have a touch of home. The whole thought of doing this excites me beyond anything I can imagine.

I look forward to taking you with me on this journey via this blog! I hope to update it frequently. Thank you for all your support and encouragement and thank you for supporting our troops!

In His Mighty Grip,